Last updated a year ago
We need a open and safe place for the community & entities to come togther and to discuss Governance topics and themes from bottom up
Scheduling public online Events where the community, people of IOG, CF and Emurgo come together to align and discuss on Governance topics
This is the total amount allocated to Bridge Builders - Governance Events.
Scheduling public online Events where the community, people of IOG, CF and Emurgo come together to align and discuss on Governance topics
Fulltime Community Members, highly experienced in scheduling inclusive and open Community Events since Fund 3.
Where we come from
The Community and the Ecosystem constantly grow and evolve from Fund to Fund. Projects and initiatives mature and take form and shape, with that, the need and desire to experiment, explore and establish governance models from the community for the community is growing as well.
Currently we are Lacking communication, coordination and collaboration between Projects in Catalyst and the entities. Both sides are struggling to be aware of each other's discoveries and failures which forces us to duplicate efforts and waste resources.
We aim to change that
By organizing Governance Events in which we invite the Community and people of IOG, CF and Emurgo we aim to explore an open environment where people can share their insights, visions and ambitions in regard to governance" and related topics.
By those open Governance events, we aim to raise awareness of community initiatives and to increase the communication, coordination and hopefully collaboration between community led initiatives and the entities. If we want to build a strong governance, we have to act together, create awareness and alignment and to allow us to move forward in united visions.
In addition to that we also build connections to other DLT/Blockchain communities such as the Web3 and IOTA Foundations. We want to explore an open environment for Governance discussion not only for Cardano but also for cross chain conversations as we are not the only once in the space facing the challenges we have to
The Team:
This event is a collaborative effort of several well experienced and skilled groups from our ecosystem, joining this Project to add value to the Governance Days. Each group maintains its own networks and relations and is contributing to the Governance Day in a way that we are able to merge our individual networks into one Project.. Exploring and establishing a open environment in which we discuss Governance related themes and topics
The Bridge Builders: The Bridge Builders are an assembly of highly engaged, experienced and committed Catalyst Community members who come together to identify gaps within the ecosystem and to build bridges to close those gaps. We are well connected within and around the ecosystem and communicate & coordinate our activities and operations in collaboration with a broad spectrum of projects and community led initiatives.
The CC Admin Team: The Catalyst Circle Admin Team (CC Admin Team) is composed of driven and active community members from diverse backgrounds. Key roles and contributions of team members include: Veteran Swarm Members, Community Advisors, Veteran Community Advisors, Funded Proposers, Stakepool Operators, IdeaFest and Governance Day Hosts, and ADA Holders.
The Catalyst Swarm: Swarm is everybody who identifies with the vision to share ideas, visions and ambitions and to collaborate on building the future society of Cardano. We are representatives of the idea of an open, inclusive and diverse network of doers and visionairs, working hand in hand to add value to the Cardano Ecosystem
The Ambassadors Guild: The Catalyst Guild is a sub Guild of the Ambassadors Guild but with a main focus on Project Catalyst. The Catalyst Guild takes the initiative and responsibility to act as a bridge between the Catalyst Community and the Cardano Foundation.
The goal is to explore, initiate, maintain and ensure effective and close communication, coordination and collaboration between the Cardano Foundation and the Catalyst Community.
The Event formats
We explore to kind of Governance Events which are organized and executed by a group of highly engaged and committed community members, projects and initiatives
(1) Café sûr le pont ( Coffee on the bridge )
Café sûr le pont is a very first format in which we invited people of IOG and the Community to come together and to discuss governance relevant topics and themes. The Café is not a place where decisions are made, but a place where awareness and alignment can flourish and evolve in an open and inclusive manner.
The Café sûr le pont was introduced the very first time in the Catalyst After Town Hall on October 13.
The first version of the Café sûr le Pont was hosted by the Bridge Builders on October 16 in collaboration with Dr. Mihaela Ulieru ( Strategic Impact Lead at IOG ).
From this event, where ~50 Community members joined to participate in a conversation about Governance, we saw that this format is definitely well received by the Community as well from the side of the entities. The community has the need and desire to communicate their vision, ideas and ambitions with the custodians of the ecosystem. We want to explore and maintain places where this can happen.
We aim to develop a monthly Event in alignment with IOG, CF and Emurgo.
The Goal is to invite key players from within the Community and the Entities to discuss and debate relevant questions about governance and our ecosystem.
The Events are hosted on Zoom and are public Calls, where everybody is invited to join and to participate.
(2) Governance Day & Catalyst Circle Election
The Catalyst Circle Election
The Election part is organized and hosted by the Catalyst Circle Admin Team
The Catalyst Circle election currently happens through an open virtual community Event on Zoom where the Catalyst/Cardano Community comes together to present and vote on the Community representatives for each Catalyst Circle period. A Circle period and the duty of its representatives lasts 3 month, after those 3 month, a new Circle gets elected from the Community.
We set up dedicated breakout rooms in which the nominees presented themselves to the Community. Each Room is hosted by an CC Admin Team member who ensures a fair presentation and voting process.
The Governance day - Fireside Chats
The Governance day is the event which is designed around the Catalyst Circle election and opens the floor to keynotes, presentations, fireside chats and open discussions all around Governance, Blockchain - Society and Impact.
After the Catalyst Circle Election is done, we open the stage for the Governance related fireside chats and discussions with brightful minds from the Blockchain world.
In the first Iteration which took place on November 6 2021 we had Dr. Mihaela Ulieru ( Strategic Impact Lead at IOG ) & Pr. Jeremy Pitt as keynote speaker. Kriss Baird ( Product owner at Project Catalyst ) joined us to hold a tasty presentation and we had a guest from the Web3 Foundation who participated in a cross chain fireside chat breakout room.
Overall we had an amazing first iteration of the Governance day which was organized and hosted by the community on a volunteer basis.
We want to improve and continue the format and enable a budget to reward the hosts and co hosts, the organizers and the people who make this event happen.
January 2022
Scheduling the Governance day #2 to elect the 3rd version of the Catalyst Circle
Scheduling the Cafe sûr le Pont #2
KPIs & OKrs
Café sûr le pont
Number of participants
Number of breakout rooms and experts as hosts
Number of participating members of the entities ( CF, Emurgo, IOG/IOHK )
Governance day:
Number of participants
Number of casted Votes
Number of elected Catalyst Circle members
Cardano celebrities giving keynotes
number of participants from other DLT/Blockchains
Budget Breakdown
(1) Governance day #2
Organisation - 4000 USD
Management and coordination - 3000 USD
Host rewards - 2000 USD
Post tasks - 1000 USD
(2) Café sûr le pont #2
Organisation - 3000 USD
Management and coordination - 2000 usd
Host rewards - 2000 USD
Post tasks - 1000 usd
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Fulltime Community Members, highly experienced in scheduling inclusive and open Community Events since Fund 3.