Last updated 3 years ago
Lack of awareness of Cardano ecosystem in Tanzania
sourcing talents from Tanzania and increasing inclusion in the cardano ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Build Cardano community in Tanzania.
sourcing talents from Tanzania and increasing inclusion in the cardano ecosystem.
Operations Manager, Trainer, Enterprenuer. The attachment show some of the public blockchain seminars we have been conducting in Tanzania
By collaborating with a Local Company named RFFXTZ Company Limited which is based on providing Financial Market Education we will provide Cardano Blockchain Technology Education by running locally community Events in different regions of Tanzania especially on 5 big regions named Dar-es-salaam, Dodoma, Zanzibar, Mwanza and Kilimanjaro.
We are planning to conduct physical seminars to attract highest level of human interaction and collaboration with members who will be attracted to be a part of our community.
We will provide more awareness of Cardano System and we will attract experts on different fields based on their experience and expertise to be a part of Cardano ecosystem. By doing this we will be at the front line to ensure Cardano Ecosytem has tap the cream of experts available in Tanzania at the Early stages of growth of Blockchain Technology in Tanzania.
Collaborating with CHUOLIFE EVENTS to run community events in the collages also to gain upcoming experts from different Universities and colleges available in Tanzania. As seen in the attachments
After events we will have a database which will be used to retarget the Audience and continue sharing knowledge and resources which will build them to become Cardano pioneers.
Online Mentorship sessions will be arranged to those interested in different fields in the Cardano ecosystem so as to nurture them to become future leaders.
Name: Regina Makungu
Degree in Accountancy and Finance, ACSI certified by CISS
- Operations Manager
- Trader in Financial Markets
- Trainer at RFFXTZ COMPANY LIMITED on Financial Market and Blockchain Technology
- Marketing expert and content creator
Evans Kisanga
BSc Social Protection( IFM/ Institute of finance management )
Trainer/Mentor @ RFFXTZ Co Ltd
Web and App Developer
Author - Written a Financial Knowledge book based on Forex trading
Youtuber and Content Creator
Linked in :
Anne Wanjiru GatendeÂ
 executive director of Virtual Learning Solutions a company registered in Kenya for the digital empowerment of Kenyans through training and certification for employability and job mobility.
- certified Microsoft innovative educator MIEE and a veteran higher education consultant.
- a graduate of the university of Nairobi where she taught communication for 7 years before serving in various director roles in private universities.Â
-Her last stint with employment was in the development world where she reached hundreds of schools and thousands of teachers with digital skills and digital devices deployment .Â
- implementing the Kenya youth employment and opportunities project for the world bank .
We are targeting to run Community Events of not less 100 attendees by conducting 1 event on every new month until we finish 5 events. This will give us ample time to market for the events also mentoring previous attendees.
-After 3 months onboarding over 100 new community members to the Cardano ecosystem
-After 6 months onboarding over 500 new community members to to the Cardano ecosystem
-After 12 months onboarding over 2000 new community members to the Cardano ecosystem
Expected public launch: 1st February 2022
Hall cost for 5 regions    2500
2 Mentors allowance     5000
Marketing cost of 5 events  2400
Accommodation for 5 regions for 2 Mentors 4000
Refreshments for 100 people for 5 regions 4000
500 Brochures 500
Cardano Banners 4 1000
stationaries 600
Expected public launch date 15 February 2022
Operations Manager, Trainer, Enterprenuer. The attachment show some of the public blockchain seminars we have been conducting in Tanzania