Last updated 2 years ago
Many Vietnam Uni students are unaware of Project Catalyst's funding campaigns and the opportunities that exist.
Organize virtual or onsite sharing events about Catalyst for students. Connect, motivate and support students to participate in Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Events 4 Vietnam Students.
Organize virtual or onsite sharing events about Catalyst for students. Connect, motivate and support students to participate in Catalyst.
We are SPOs, blockchain tech-savvies, Eastern Townhall moderators/co-hosts, and funded project owners
Problem statement:
University/College IT students are potential forces for creative ideas. When these students are oriented and supported they become meaningful participators in Project Catalyst.
Startup projects of IT students often got challenges in writing projects and raising capital. If these projects can be implemented on Cardano, it will be a perfect match for each other: Cardano diversify project participants, Students get their project funded fast.
The solution to the problem:
according to the report at Vietnam will be a destination for many large corporations because of its abundant human resources. We have about 50,000 IT students graduating each year from 153 universities and institutes
Our project aims to reach out to lecturers and students to raise the awareness of Cardano and the opportunities that exist when they work as proposers, referrers, or voters. We will provide fundamental information about the Cardano blockchain, introduce the programming languages, share the opportunities in Project Catalyst, and how to participate. We will accompany lectures and students in writing, submitting ideas, applying for funding on Catalyst. Support them in project implementation and management after their projects get funded.
As a consequence, more students will get involved in Projects Catalyst. There is a new wave of student projects adoption into the Cardano ecosystem.
Past succeses:
At Fund6 we were funded for a project where we built a website ( This will be a depot of basic information about Cardano which students could use as starting steps.
Phase1: Getting started with Cardano:
- 1 month: Select 02 Universities, plan to deliver events
- 2 months: Deliver events, share opportunities with Lecturers and students.
- 3 months: identify potential projects from the crowd
- 5 months: Nurturing ideas, supporting project submissions
Phase 2: Standardized for mass development:
- 8 months: Accompany and develop with funded projects
- 9 months: University official blockchain training course creation
- 14 months: Launch official blockchain training course at Universities
Phase 3: Diversity of ecosystem from a new generation:
- 16-18 months: Nurturing ideas, supporting project submissions
- 24 months: Massive projects adoption from students
The team:
Nguyen Anh Tien, founder of the VILAI stake pool, computer science experts, working in the Cardano/Crypto space since 2018.
Deploying many payment systems for major banks, financial institutions, and telecommunications in Vietnam
Nguyen Van Hieu, founder of HADA stake pool, member of Plutus Pioneer Program, Lead Technical Support at many successful startups.
Do Ngoc Minh, Computer Science Researcher and Lecturer at the Information Technology Institute, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Advisor for Open Educational Resources (OER) programs of UNESCO, ASIA and Vietnam.
Hoang Van Thong, Lecturer (since 2001) and Dean of Faculty of Information Technology (since 2020), University of Transportation and Communications, computer science experts, developed many websites
Fields research: fuzzy logic, soft computing, data mining, machine learning.
Trinh Van Chung, founder of the DEVMASTER ACADEMY, Dean of Faculty of Information Technology – Nguyen Trai University.
Phase 1- deliverables:
We created plan for 3 phases. In fact, the project will be lasted for two years so only phase 1 will be applied in Fund7. Phase 2 and phase 3 are planned to apply in incoming rounds
In this phase, we mainly focus on lectures and students interested in blockchain to study Cardano blockchain platforms and Catalyst. Support them to implement their projects. These are not only good examples for other students but also a stepping stone for lectures and other pioneers to approach blockchain, building experiences to teach the next generation of students.
1 month:
- Selected 02 Universities to deploy this project.
- Work with universities representatives to schedule specific events (fix date/time, contents of the events, sending out event invitations, event logistics...)
2 months:
- Organize events at universities. share opportunities to be proposers, referrers, doers, or voters with project Catalyst.
- Conduct surveys to get feedback from attendees.
- Delivery additional sharing if we find that students need more information about Cardano and Catalyst.
3 months:
- Survey analysis, working universities representatives for any extra support is needed.
- Contact lectures and students and get their ideas from the feedback form.
- Motivate, support them to create their own projects by conducting conference calls, face to face meetings (if possible)
5 months:
- Accompany with pioneers in writing, submitting ideas, applying for funding on Catalyst
Number of proposals: 12
Number of community events: 12 events
Number of event's participants: 500 Students
Onboarded students: 60 students
(1) Events facility cost for 12 events (it may be physical room renting costs, travel cost, zoom license, water, banners...we estimate $200 per event): 12x$200=2400.
(2) Events Hosting, Guest fees (2 hours per event, 4 hours for preration= 6 hours per event)=6 hours * $60 per hour *12 events=$4320.
(3) Survey design and survey data analysis, sharing findings (4 hours per event) =4*$60 per hours*12 events=$2880.
(4) Dedicate people to support 12 proposals: estimate we need ~10 hours per proposal =10 hours*$60 per hour *12 proposals =$7200
(5) Student Incentives: 100$ per submitted proposal * 12=$1200
Total cost=(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)+(5)=$18000
Below might be the risks in the project:
- we might run more events to get more onboard students and submit proposals than expected. This action should be carried out after having data from events after 2 months
We are committed to transparency internally and with the community. We will keep track of all project activities and expenses in "" when the project is funded
Launch Date
Feb 10 2022
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are SPOs, blockchain tech-savvies, Eastern Townhall moderators/co-hosts, and funded project owners