Host and join epochly Twitter spaces to give updates and analyses on Chinese community update and general community update.
Built a Chinese-speaking Cardano community in the past 7 months single-handedly
Received a multitude of great feedback from previous Spaces
This proposal aims to solve 2 problems
- Do you know what people are discussing in the Chinese Cardano community? How the China ban is affecting them? What is happening with Evergrande in China? Most people in the non-Chinese-speaking regions don't. There is an information gap between the communities
- What other platform can projects building on Cardano use, to connect with the community? Apart from Youtube, Medium, Discord? Twitter Space is proving to be an effective tool to bridge the communication between projects and the community.
- Dumpling Twitter spaces aim to fill in the informational gap between the Chinese and the international communities. Specifically, I will host and join epochly Twitter spaces to give updates and analyses about the Chinese market and what is happening in the Chinese community.
- Dumpling Spaces will also provide a platform for discussions regarding a myriad of topics such as community building, Cardano ecosystem, Cardano projects, etc.
- Continue to join Epochs End space to give China updates both in terms of community and market
Target demographic
- All English-speaking Cardano community members that want to learn about what's happening in the Chinese community and in China
- All Cardano projects that want to have a platform to express their intentions, update their progress and answer community questions
- All Cardano community members who want to get a deeper knowledge on projects building on Cardano, by being able to ask them questions live on Dumpling Twitter Spaces.
- Share knowledge about the Chinese-speaking community among the international Cardano community and bridge the local community with the international Cardano community
- Connect Cardano community members with projects building on Cardano
Skills required
- EN-CN fluency
- public speaking
- Space hosting
- community building
- interviewing
- networking/engaging with projects
Relevant experience
- Built a Chinese-speaking Cardano community during the past 7 months single-handedly
- Consistently delivered Chinese market update and Chinese community update in the past 20+ Epochs End Twitter spaces, and obtained a multitude of great feedback
- Hosted 5+ Dumpling Space on Twitter where I gave in-depth Chinese updates, analysis, and predictions. Invited projects such as DcSpark, Ardana onto the show and enabled the audience to have a chance to ask detailed questions. Gained countless positive feedback
Bullish Dumpling (
- Cardano Ambassador, Single Pool Alliance member, full-time Cardano member
- Experienced in asking questions in a non-confrontational but straightforward manner
- Projects that I have previously interviewed and/or hosted Spaces fo includer:
- Ardana
- Maladex
- Minswap
- Stakeboard
- Unsigned algorithms
Roadmap and action plan
- Attend epochly Epochs End space and present China market and community updates
- Host Dumpling space and give in-depth market analysis and insights. Invite Cardano projects onto the show and ask detailed questions.
- Market Dumpling space via Twitter
- Attend epochly Epochs End space and present China market and community updates
- Host Dumpling space and give in-depth market analysis and insights. Invite Cardano projects onto the show and ask detailed questions.
- Start a Discord channel for the listeners to interact, socialize and ask questions.
- Attend epochly Epochs End space and present China market and community updates
- Host Dumpling space and give in-depth market analysis and insights. Invite Cardano projects onto the show and ask detailed questions.
- Moderate and grow the Discord channel
Performance Metrics: KPI
- Average Number of listeners on Epochs End over 3 months: over 65
- Average Number of listeners on Dumpling space over 3 months: over 65
- Discord members by the end of 3 months: over 50
- Projects/community figures interviewed and presented on Dumpling space over 3 months: over 10
- successfully hosted 5+ twitter spaces with an average of 55 listeners
- as the Space grows, more listeners will come
- Listeners count can be seen on the Space page on Twitter
- Discord member count can be seen easily (Discord to be created)
Budget breakdown (for the next 3months)
3 months contains: 3monthsx30days/5days=18 epochs
- Dumpling space: Project research, analysis and script writing : 2.5hr/epoch*18epochs*$59.42/hr = $2673.9
- Dumpling space: hosting and presentation, discussion: 1.75hr/epoch*18epochs*$59.42/hr = $1871.3
- Topic ideation, agenda setting, co-host coordination, general organization: 1.5hr/epoch*18epochs*$59.42/hr =$1604.34
- Engagement incl. replying to comments and general social media interaction: 1.25hr/epoch*18epochs*$39.12/hr = $880.2
- Epoches End space research and script-writing: 1hr/epoch*18epochs*$59.42/hr = $1069.56
- Epoches End space China update: 0.75hr/epoch*18epochs*$59.42/hr = $802.17
- marketing and branding: 1hr/epoch*18epochs*$32.76/hr=$589.68
- equipment and miscellaneous: $450
Total: $9941.15
Have you already done Spaces before?
- I have participated in 20+ Epoches End spaces consistently and hosted 5+ Dumpling spaces. In the spaces, I bring Chinese market update, Chinese community update, and share my own analyses.
- In the Dumpling space, I also invited, introduced, and discussed projects such as Ardana, Stakeboard, and Liqwid. More projects such as WMT and Sundaeswap are in the pipelines.
What does a Dumpling Space look like?
- I usually start with a story/update/news that is China-relevant, for example, Evergrande news, Chinese Cardano community update, a story from Chinese history.
- Then I will bring my ''this week in Cardano'' update, sharing important events in the community. I would then give my opinion and analysis on such events, for example, Sundaeswap ISO and its impact on defi and Cardano community.
- After that, the Space is open for the audience to raise their hands and have a lively discussion.
- Every other epoch, I invite projects that are building on Cardano to come onto the space and have a conversation with the audience. It is a great way to showcase the projects and to deepen the connections between the community and the builders.
How do I join a Dumpling Space or Epochs End space?
- Spaces will be announced on the respective accounts, so simply follow them and you will get reminders before the Spaces:
- Dumpling:,
- Epochs End:
When is Dumpling Space and Epochs End?
- Epochs End happens every 5 days/epochly, on the day of each epoch end of Cardano. At 9.15pm UTC
- Dumpling Space happens also every 5 days/epochly, exactly one day after Epoches End spaces. At 9.15pm UTC
How much work goes into the Spaces, isn't it just talking?
- Please check the attached video named Scripts. It is only half of all the scripts I have prepared for my spaces. And that's just the script part.
- To have a successful Space, I would prepare scripts, agendas, reach out to projects, coordinate with my cohosts, set the guidelines and tone. That is the pre-play.
- During the Spaces, I would need to make sure there are no space hackers (trolls), people are respectful, the speakers stay on the topic. On top of that, everything discussed in my spaces has to be substance, it is no bubble gum space.
- Afterwards, I would always recap the space in a tweet and send out thankyou notes to projects, speakers and cohosts, this is the after-play.
This is why Dumpling Space has loyal listeners and keeps attracting new people. It is a high-quality space where people gain enormous value. Many community members can attest to the quality of the space.
Why are the hourly prices different, even though they are done by the same person (the proposer)? And why do some tasks have a higher rate ($59.42/hr)?
- Tasks such as hosting and giving China updates require a high level of cross-field expertise: the ability to navigate a live space, to moderate and direct a civil conversation, to deal with unexpected situations live. Giving the Chinese community/market update requires one to have a deep understanding of the Chinese community and to be able to phrase/translate them into English, and to present the update in a serious but also engaging way. Such tasks are given a higher value than other tasks such as marketing and social media engagement.
- In a nutshell, I believe it is fair compensation for the work and skills needed to complete the work, of course, the community can decide in favor or against it by using their vote.
Testimonials/recaps/audience reviews from past spaces: