Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano blockchain knowledge is almost negligible among the youth in the Eastern Region of Ghana in particular.
To educate about 300 youth (both High School and Tertiary in Eastern Region, Ghana) on Cardano and it's opportunities.
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Afriteen, grow Cardano ERGhana.
To educate about 300 youth (both High School and Tertiary in Eastern Region, Ghana) on Cardano and it's opportunities.
WADA team of Community Advisors, Mentor and Educationists, Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Teachers
Detailed Program:
Executive Summary:
This proposal seeks to educate about 300 teens [(16 to 25 years) in the Eastern Region part of Ghana; the teens will be Senior High School students of between 16 and 19 and Tertiary students of between 19 and 25 years] in Cardano Block chain and the numerous opportunities in Cardano. This engagement with the teen youth will grow Cardano Block chain.
About 60% of high school and tertiary institution graduates in Ghana do not find jobs after completing their education. This challenge has put a lot of pressure on parents in particular and the government as a whole. Almost 90% of school graduates look up to the government for employment which does not exist.
To empower these school graduates to set up their own businesses, there is the need to help them develop skills that will make them independent. Cardano block chain technology can offer this help to the youth through education so they can tap into their talents and develop smart contracts that will propel them into economic freedom.
Project Activities:
1. Facilitate the use of Cardano block chain in the Eastern Region of Ghana
2. Publicize the event on social media
3. Interact with those who have expressed interest in learning cardano Block chain
4. Communicate workshop / conference details to prospective participants
5. Promote the benefits of and opportunities in the block chain ecosystem
6. Educate participants about the need to open community hubs in the region to promote cardano
7. Open Yoroi wallets for participants.
Topics for presentation:
• What is Bloch Chain and Cardano Block Chain
• Bitcoin and Cardano Cryptocurrencies
• Block chain as an economic opportunity
• Fundamentals of Cardano- foundation, decentralization, smart contracts, scaling, governance
• Scalability, Interoperability, sustainability and cryptocurrency platforms
• Opening of Yoroi Wallet
• Highlight Project Catalyst
Roadmap- 3 month's duration
Phase 1 – 2 workshops in 1 month
Phase 2 – 2 workshops in 1 month
Phase 3 – 2 workshops in 1 month
Community or Cause
Mainly for the youth between 16 and 25 years
Team Qualification:
WADA team of Community Advisors (Project Catalyst), Educationist, Mentors, Teachers,
Partnerships and Collaboration
• National Vocational Technical Institute
• Koforidua Secondary Technical Senior High School
• WADA Team Specialists
Success Metrics:
• Broad knowledge in Cardano block chain technology and ecosystem
• Numbers of students that attended
• Number of feedback from participants- students and guest speakers
• Expected impact
• Socialization towards economic freedom through block chain education
• Tertiary and High School graduates will be equipped with knowledge in block chain which can help them set up their own businesses after school
• Spread of Cardano block chain knowledge in the sub region.
• The youth will have a strong social network among themselves during these workshops, and that will be a form of building block for future business network
• Acceptance of ADA as a medium for exchange in the long run
• Digitized economy for development.
Project Funding:
Budget: Estimated total budget is $8,000, breakdown as follows
• Educational materials, resource persons - $3,000
• Logistics- transportation, food packs / drinks $2,000
• Venue Hire, Internet and equipment- $1500
• Attire – branded T shirts, souvenirs - $1000
• Initial token ADA to open Yoroi wallets for participants- $500
Total requested budget - $8,000
WADA team of Community Advisors, Mentor and Educationists, Marketers, Entrepreneurs, Teachers