Last updated 3 years ago
Education is key to adoption and use of a service. How can we educate students in Northern Ghana about Cardano Ecosystem and its benefits?
Organize community events to educate about 2,000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana about cardano and its benefits.
This is the total amount allocated to Mass Cardano Education for Students.
Organize community events to educate about 2,000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana about cardano and its benefits.
Wada: Consist of a team of skilled personnel with great experiences in development, education, active Cardano Community practitioners.etc
Executive Summary
********Project Activities********
Education and Awareness-raising efforts may include the following activities:
• creation of customized cardano educational materials.
• convening conferences and workshops;
• Dissemination of information through several multimedia platforms such as the internet, social media, mobile phones, poster campaigns etc.
• A variety of visual tools such as stickers, logos, t-shirts, banners etc. may also may be used to increase awareness.
1-3 months:
• Reach out and educate at least 1000 tertiary and high school students in northern Ghana through our conferences / meetups that will be organized.
• Our participants will become much more knowledgeable and aware about the opportunities cardano ecosystem is offering to them and how they can bring onboard their brilliant ideas for funding through project catalyst proposal writing.
• Train at least 200 of our participants to become active community advisors to be able to constructively review proposals on ideascale.
***Key metrics to measure:***
• Number of students who have attended our conferences
• Percentage of students that become active community advisers
• Percentage of brilliant proposals submitted by these students to solve local problems in their respective communities.
• Percentage of students that became referrers
• Percentage of students that became proposers
• Number of students that successfully created native cardano wallets and participate to vote for proposals.
•local developers learning Haskell with the long term goal of developing local dapps to solve problems within the nation or their respective communities.
**Activity Launch Date:**
• We intend to start this education this education tour in the month of February 2022 through to Middle of May 2022.
Geographical Area Served
The project will cover tertiary and High schools in northern Ghana
***Community or Cause**
Tertiary students and high school students, staffs etc. will be directly reached out to by our project.
***Vision of Success***
• Students and youth in Northern Ghana will become very much aware and knowledgeable about the opportunities cardano is bringing to our doorstep and how they can participate.
• Local developers will begin to show interest in learning the cardano smart contract programming language (Haskell).
• We will begin to see simple dapps being built by our local developers on the cardano blockchain after learning how to write smart contracts.
• We will also see participation from the art industry in utilizing the NFTs industry to market their works to a wider audience.
• Adoption of cardano and participation of institutions in Ghana through project catalyst.
• Every student belongs to community and once we are able to educate these students, they in turn go back to their communities and become advocates of cardano in their communities and some will be motivated to submit in brilliant ideas through proposals to solve local challenges within their respective communities.
Evaluation Plan
When there is massive education and awareness;
• There will be mass on-boarding of students and participation through project catalyst (active community advisors, proposers etc)
• There will emerge local developers who will start learning how to program in Haskell.
• We will begin to see the creation of dapps by our local developers.
• The major challenging factors will be when there is another lockdown as a result of covid which will require less gathering and contact.
• The time it might take for some institutions to approve letters for the event might also be a delay factor.
Risk Management
• We will have to consider setting up for virtual meetings in case of a lockdown.
• We will have to send letters early and work with institutions to get the document for the event approved earlier before the event.
Project Funding Information
Budget ($26,000)
Budget Breakdown.
Creation and printing of customized cardano educational materials $1500
Transportation, feeding, accommodation of Resource persons $7000
Honorarium for resource persons $1600
Publicity $2000
Refreshments of Participants $4000
Conference Space and gadgets rental $4000
Printing of cardano branded T-shirts $4500
Ada rewards for participants through quizzing $1400
Achievement so far or related proposals
Social networks
Applicant's most recent activities report
I have organized and facilitated three (3) successful community events, two in Northern Ghana and one in Kumasi with the support from Wada. You can follow my twitter handle above to see my works.
• Jeremiah Baani (
• Afia Owusu
• Wada (
Wada: Consist of a team of skilled personnel with great experiences in development, education, active Cardano Community practitioners.etc