Last updated a year ago
Without transcription, timestamps, or summaries, the Zoom videos of community events are inaccessible and difficult to communicate.
Transcribe, time-stamp and summarise the Zoom videos of key community events, making them accessible, searchable, and translatable.
This is the total amount allocated to QA-DAO Transcription Service.
Transcribe, time-stamp and summarise the Zoom videos of key community events, making them accessible, searchable, and translatable.
The QA-DAO team are skilled transcribers and editors, and are already successfully transcribing Catalyst Circle meetings. Details below.
Many community events in Catalyst are recorded as video, usually raw videos of Zoom meetings. These provide an important documentary record of what happened – but they are not always very usable. If someone misses the meeting and wants to catch up, this means watching the whole video, which is time-consuming; and searching for something is impossible without time-stamps, which most event organisers don't have time to create. Also, the discussions in community events often refer to people, organisations and ideas that newcomers do not know; so without some kind of gloss or annotations, this can be excluding and offputting.
QA-DAO ( proposes to solve these issues by providing verbatim transcripts, time-stamps, and summaries of videos of key Catalyst community events, and collating them on GitBooks and the QA-DAO website. This will make the video material more discoverable and accessible by the community in several ways:
So transcription, time-stamping and summaries increase everyone's access to what's happening in the Catalyst community, which helps us all be well-informed and active participants.
Proof of concept
QA-DAO is already successfully doing this work with Catalyst Circle meetings (funded until April by the fund 6 proposal "Oversight of Catalyst Circle"). For example, see
In this proposal, we want to expand the work to cover other key community events (After Town Hall; Eastern Town Hall; Cafe Sur le Pont; one-off events such as Governance Day, etc) which are particularly significant for onboarding new people, enabling active and informed participation, and increasing connections between different "corners" of Catalyst, such as voter/proposer interaction, and facilitating team building.
We also want to use this project, and the community feedback it will generate, to help us develop a standard methodology or guidelines for transcription and summary within Catalyst, and build a body of evidence that answers questions such as "Which types of meetings need full verbatim transcription? What kind of information should be in a summary? What types of meetings do new people find most accessible/inaccessible?" etc. This would, we hope, eventually lead on to QA-DAO being able to train a team of transcribers/ summarisers to embed this aproach within Catalyst. This scale of transcription and summary needs resourcing.
Which videos will we work on?
We will focus on community events that will help people become more involved and engaged with Catalyst. We propose to deliver:
Addressing the challenge metrics
The proposal supports the challenge metric of using events to keep the community together, as it helps address some of the barriers to inclusion, It also ensures that the benefits of a Catalyst event, meeting or workshop are more long-lasting, by making the record of the event more accessible and useable.
Annotated summaries particularly will address the metric of helping new people to integrate into Catalyst, by making it easier for them to find out what is happening and learn about key concepts. Also, our proposed process of holding a vote for which events will be transcribed is a small, easy act that will contribute to new people's sense of engagement with Catalyst.
Transcription and summary of key events like IdeasFest will help increase voter/proposer engagement by making information more accessible for voters, It will also facilitate team building and collaboration, by making it easier for people to quickly find information about who is working on things they are interested in via keyword searches.
Annotated summaries particularly will help new people to integrate into Catalyst, find out what is happening, and learn about key concepts. Also, our proposed process of holding a vote for which events will be transcribed is a small, easy act of engagement that will contribute to new people's sense of inclusion in Catalyst.
Overall, the increased access, transparency, and accessibility provided by this proposal will increase numbers - people are more likely to stay engaged and not drop out if they are able to follow events they have missed, review what happened in events they attended, and learn through annotations and links about the background to what is being discussed.
A note on our process
We use transcription software as a basis for our time-stamped verbatim transcripts. But due to issues such as the specialised content of Catalyst events, the diverse range of accents and dialects people speak, unstable Internet connections, different types of microphone, and sometimes several people speaking at once, the raw transcripts can be garbled, and require considerable editing. Also, we produce "intelligent verbatim" transcripts - this removes things like "um"s and "err"s, hesitations, and repetition, and edits for readability. This can be a lengthy job, but it's an important one, because an accurate timestamped transcript is the basis for everyothing else - summaries, translations, and archival record.
Note: We are using flat "per meeting/event" fees which we have devised based on industry standard fees in the UK and US for intelligent verbatim transcription, indexing and summary of multiple-speaker meetings.
• Subscription to = $100
Total $39,053
Our additional aim with this project is to use the experience of transcribing different types of Catalyst events, to develop a clear methodology and style guide for doing effective transcription and summary in the context of Catalyst.
This would make it possible in the long term for us to train others to be transcribers/ summarisers and propagate the approach through the Catalyst ecosystem; and to look for ways to fund this as an ongoing service to Catalyst.
But to reach this stage, we need to build our approach by praxis and community feedback, and build an awareness throughout the ecosystem of the value of transcription and summary. That is what this project aims to do.
Risks and mitigations
Team experience
Vanessa Cardui (@CallyFromAuron) is a community engagement professional with a background in oral history and archiving. She has 20+ years' experience of accurately transcribing video and audio material for historical record, and of using transcription and summary to make video material more accessible and discoverable for communities. She also has extensive experience of training others in how to transcribe and summarise. She is currently leading on transcription and summarising videos of Catalyst Circle v2 meetings for QA-DAO
Stephen Whitenstall (@swhitenstall) has 30 years' experience in organising academic, community and business projects. He develops, maintains documentation and provides technical project management support for Catalyst Swarm. In Fund 6 of Project Catalyst, Stephen's organisation QA-DAO was funded on several significant projects, including Distributed Auditability and Oversight of Catalyst Circle, and Stephen was co-proposer on a number of other successful proposals around community engagement, auditability and transparency. Stephen is currently the representative for Catalyst Coordinator (Funded Proposers) in Catalyst Circle v2.
You can support the activities of QA-DAO by becoming a GitHub sponsor .
QA-DAO Transcription Service is a project of QA-DAO (, an ongoing open source project that provides support for the Cardano Project Catalyst Community. QA-DAO Transcription Service's project documentation will follow QA-DAO ideals of open-source transparency and auditability.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The QA-DAO team are skilled transcribers and editors, and are already successfully transcribing Catalyst Circle meetings. Details below.