Last updated 3 years ago
There is quite small number of application product which use ADA or Cardano Native Asset. The new application with ADA pay is important.
Sometimes student in university circle products are high quality and interesting. I think catalyst fund should promote ADA for them.
This is the total amount allocated to Application contest for students.
Sometimes student in university circle products are high quality and interesting. I think catalyst fund should promote ADA for them.
Members have experience to support Catalyst fund proposal. The only necessary things for Japanese students is young passion!
■Why did we start this proposal?
こうした広い入り口は、最終的にPlutas Application Backgroundなどのツールの存在により、将来的なCardano based Dappsの展開につながると信じています。
しかし、現在では、EthreumのSolidityの参考書はあっても、Plutus およびMarloweの参考書はなく、学生たちのモチベーションは上がりません。
$4000 コンテスト賞金
$1000 協力者への支払いです。
■KPI only at the contest (probably 6 month later)
コンテストへの応募件数 10-20件
コンテストの投票件数 300目標
コンテストおよびカルダノプロジェクトへの問い合わせ件数 30目標
■Why did we start this proposal?
Japanese university students ( in the IT engineering fields) sometimes create very unique content.
Students are characterized by the ability to spend a lot of time and in a sense financially irrational activities.
In other words, even if it is not profitable, they may create high quality products with passion.
I don't think it's necessary to use Plutus or Hasckell to support the Cardano project.
However, the products they made accept ADA payments.
That alone will make a lot of sense, and in the end you will be a good comprehension of Cardano.
We believe that such a wide entrance will ultimately lead to the future development of Cardano based Dapps due to the presence of tools such as Plutus Application Background.
However, nowadays, although there are reference books for Ethreum's Solidity, there are no reference books for Plutus and Marlowe, and students are not motivated.
Therefore, we hold a prize-winning contest and simply encourage students to make efforts.
First, we will held a contest in which a remarkable student circle will participate and set the prize money.
We will contact the group currently in the Cardano Japan community that is informing students of the Cardano project to determine the appropriate time and criteria for participation.
After that, we will hold a contest with a total prize pool of about 4000 $.
The Dapps rating emphasizes the views of the Cardano community, including Japan.
It may or may not have amazing quality.
However, the possibility of discovering rough diamonds is not absurd.
I think it's important not to be too computational.
First, Cardano's unique system, Catalyst, will discover promising students and student groups.
That way, they may introduce Cardano in an interview in the future.
You can also expect word-of-mouth in the student network. These will definitely be a plus for the future development of Cardano.
Since the Japan Cardano community is one of the world's leading ADA holder communities, we may indirectly support student activities with some discretion, as long as part of our staking rewards are funded by catalysts.
Planning is easy. Make announcements through student incentive projects. After waiting for the Application for a certain period of time, the project will be evaluated and funded.
The rationale for using the budget is
$ 4000 Contest Prize
$ 1000 Payment to collaborators.
■KPI only at the contest (probably 6 month later)
10-20 entries for the contest (means 10 applications including Dapps)
300 voting for contests
30 inquiries to the contest and the Cardano project
Members have experience to support Catalyst fund proposal. The only necessary things for Japanese students is young passion!