Last updated a year ago
Plutus the fundamental program language is not so popular especially in Japan. It is only few method to learn Plutus and hard to develop.
We will provide the guide book (or Website) for Plutus Application Background in Japanese. This will be interested Japanese Engineers.
This is the total amount allocated to PAB promotion in Japan.
We will provide the guide book (or Website) for Plutus Application Background in Japanese. This will be interested Japanese Engineers.
Members strongly have strongly promoted connection between catalyst project and Japan community through Meet up. Seminars and Lectures.
■Why did we start this proposal?
しかし、Cardano Dapps DeFiの開発という面では、活動は活発ではありません。
最近、Plutus Application Backgroundというツールが発表され、劇的にDappsの開発が容易になる
という意見も存在するが、少なくとも日本人にとってCardano Dappsの開発は身近ではなく
この計画では、Plutus Application Backgroundの使用方法の解説書および可能であればPlutusに関する書籍を発行することを目指しています。
3 month
Plutas Application Backgroundの概要説明の日本語版作成
6 month
English Part
This project aims to revitalize the development of Dapps by Japanese people by creating a Japanese commentary document for Plutus Application Background (PAB).
■Why did we start this proposal?
The Japan Cardano community has done a lot of community activities so far.
Several Japanese catalyst projects have already started.
However, the activity is not active in terms of developing Cardano Dapps DeFi.
The reason for this is an understanding of the programming language Haskell and the development system Marlowe.
Also less understanding for Plutus, an application development tool due to no manual in Japanese is serious problem.
Recently, a tool called Plutus Application Background was announced, dramatically facilitating the development of Dapps.
There is an opinion, but at least for Japanese people, the development of Cardano Dapps is not familiar.
Even if you try to develop it, you will end up looking up the Ethreum Solidity reference book.
Currently, there is a particular need for Cardano to develop Dapps and DeFi. However, there is no manual for the development language Plutus.
On the other hand, there is a manual about Ethereum's Solidity. For this reason, first-time Dapps makers have very few opportunities to choose Cardano.
The plan aims to publish instructions on how to use the Plutus Application Background and, if possible, manual books on Plutus.
However, this plan does not aim to publish the Plutus language manual itself, but to provide an overview of how to use PAB and Plutus as a first step.
Then, if possible, contact someone who can write the reference book, and the next step is to propose a budget for publishing work as a catalyst.
So, as a first step, what exactly is PAB? Will be explained as carefully as possible in Japanese.
Then, based on the explanations such as Solidity, check the amount of work required for PAB explanations.
If possible, give feedback to IOHK from these tasks and see if the required commentary is met for the original English material. I will give an opinion about.
Eventually, we will form a team to write a manual in the Plutus language, be ready to write the manual, and move on to writing the book. However, this is not done in this proposal, but in the next proposal.
3 month
Creating a Japanese version of the outline explanation of Plutas Application Background
(Announcement on Homepage + Distribution within the community)
6 month
Receive evaluations of materials from the community and determine the amount of work required
Team formation of authors
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Members strongly have strongly promoted connection between catalyst project and Japan community through Meet up. Seminars and Lectures.