Last updated 3 years ago
How to create a Cardano DAO with a big impact on climate change?
The Klima DAO made history by buying $100 million worth of carbon credits. We going to do better by launching a Cardano Climate DAO.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Climate DAO.
The Klima DAO made history by buying $100 million worth of carbon credits. We going to do better by launching a Cardano Climate DAO.
Environmental law and policy, carbon credit markets, business law, nonprofits, developer, business systems consultant.
Klima DAO has made a significant accomplishment. Based on the Ethereum system, the express goal of its community of investors is to "accelerate the price appreciation of carbon assets" by buying up permits and taking them off the market. As the first in this space, Klima has had remarkable success in buying credits for 12 million tonnes of carbon emissions.
The Cardano Climate DAO seeks to improve on this model in three ways:
1. It will employ the Cardano system as opposed to the Ethereum system. As a result, more of the investment money will go to buying carbon credits rather than paying gassing fees. What is more, processing the contracts on Cardano uses dramatically less energy. As we know, proof of stake beats proof of work.
2. We're not just taking carbon credits off the market. Rather, the Cardano DAO will employ algorithms for buying and selling carbon permits to incentivize energy producers to transition more rapidly to renewables such as solar, geothermal and wind power.
3. It aims to outperform the Klima DAO by doubling the investment and the number of carbon credits it buys: $200M for 24 million tonnes.
Given all of the bad blood in the crypto space, let's set an example of a healthy form of competition. There's nothing like some good old fashioned rivalry between the Cardano and the Ethereum communities. Engaging in this duel will help to showcase the inherent strengths of the Cardano system. In doing so, we can all win.
In order to build a community of activist investors, the Cardano Climate DAO will be a flagship environmental sustainability project on the Spaceship Earth DAO. The key to growing the investor pool is growing and sustaining an engaged community.
We propose to create this DAO as a Wyoming nonprofit LLC.
DAVID WATTS, business systems oriented on the problems of blockchain scalability.
JEFFREY DOWNARD, professor at NAU specializing in environmental law and ethics.
TOM DIETRICH, environmental law and policy
Board of Advisors:
IP: Open workshop on Zoom in both a live and recorded form. The educational resources will be publicly available via a Youtube channel under copy left permission. The templates will be freely available for developers and dApp users in the Cardano community.
DEFINING SUCCESS: In this first phase, success consists in the creation of the DAO as an LLC. Developing the algorithms and Plutus code for the DAO is the first step in setting up the DAO. Deploying the code in beta form with an initial set of investors to test the system starts the snowball rolling down the hill.
Months 1-3: Creation of the Cardano Climate DAO as a Wyoming nonprofit LLC, ($2,000)
Creation of website and social media sites for the DAO. ($2500)
Workshop budget for engaged volunteers: ($3000)
Months 2-4: Creation and editing of an integrated set of video tutorials and social media resources to educate investors on the use of the DAO to buy carbon credits ($3000)
Months 3-5:
Creating the algorithms and Plutus code to govern the DAO: ($7000)
Development and deployment of the Plutus code for the DAO on the Cardano system: ($5000)
Project direction: 15 hours per week for 15 weeks ($6000)
Project oversight and evaluation by members of Board of Advisors months 1-5: 2 hours per week for 15 weeks ($4,000)
Total: ($31500)
Months 6-9: Revise the beta version of the code for the DAO and seek feedback from the initial group of trial users.
Months 10-20: Deploy the full version of code for the DAO and grow the Cardano Climate DAO through three funding cycles with the aim of raising $20M.
Environmental law and policy, carbon credit markets, business law, nonprofits, developer, business systems consultant.