Last updated 3 years ago
Public Spaces gather every stakeholder of society; but its information-displays have been sold to big advertisers, rejecting local contents.
Local people, communities and businesses can showcase their contents and initiatives to Public Spaces through DAO-OOH Digital Displays.
This is the total amount allocated to DAO Displays for Public Spaces.
Local people, communities and businesses can showcase their contents and initiatives to Public Spaces through DAO-OOH Digital Displays.
For two years, we have explored this model and lead local adoption of Blockchain uses. F6 Catalyst Community funded us for initial testing.
[ Summary ]
DAO-OOH or 'DAOOH' is an acronym we academically propose for "Decentralized Autonomous Organizations through Out-of-Home digital displays".
By September 30th of 2022, into Cardano's era of Basho (scaling) and together with local organizations and you (Catalyst Community), Cooperativa Local will launch 'LOCAL' Token and integrate DAO operability to both its Social Platform and OOH Digital Displays infrastructure.
This infrastructure will be initially installed at diverse physical spaces of Chile; such as university campuses, cultural and entertainment buildings, neighborhood centers, sport clubs, small businesses, subway stations, bus stops, parks, tourist attractions and high affluence sidewalks. In all these places, we will work tightly together with pre-existent local communities and organizations.
Through 'LOCAL' Tokens, users will be able to utilize DAO dynamics and curate which contents and NFTs should be broadcasted to the local infrastructure of Out-of-Home Digital Displays (OOH). As well as voting which local proposals should receive attention and funding, in a Community-Innovation process based on the one of Catalyst.
Over 80% of the income streams by the Network will be governed by the community of local users. Income streams will include authorities subsidies, subscription, advertising mix, token staking and crowd-funding.
By the end of 2022, we expect to launch to 3 other Latin American countries. We invite you to comment which countries and cities could be more suitable for Cooperativa Local DAO-OOH, or which would be benefited the most. Contact us through if you're willing to collaborate or lead the local onboarding of DAO-OOH into your territory.
¿Why Latin America? We believe that this technology potential firmly resonates with the current sensible socio-economical and political context of most Latin American countries. At the same time, our region experiences a slow adoption of Blockchain uses. Practical and Tangible DAO tools such as DAO-OOH could become the new media and communication mean with great impact on our whole region.
[ Us: Cooperativa Local ]
After two years of exploring this model, we proposed its fundamentals at Catalyst F6, where we received received $14.000 of funding for initial testing. If we receive the F7 funding, we would use it to achieve the final development of this on-going process.
Our F6 Proposal (funded):
Catalyst Community Assessments of it:
[ DAO-OOH: Problems approached ]
The following statistics and conclusions are based on studies attached in the comment section of this proposal.
Considering the economy of Chile as representative for the rest of Latin America and emerging countries: over 75% of businesses are physical and depend on the local influx of customers. At the same time, 83% of small and medium businesses can't afford digital or out-of-home outdoor advertising (OOH), which are the advertising means that penetrate local audiences the most.
This defective relationship between the bankruptcy rate of small & medium businesses, and their insufficient access to advertising locally, may implicate -just in salaries- yearly losses of $500 million dollars at Chile; $10.17 billion on Latam and $21.64 billion for emerging countries.
The main reason for the high cost of promoting contents locally is that advertising markets are massively concentrated by private global corporations that do not mind whether who pays its advertising services is an international-scale company (non-local) or a small self-managed local initiative. What's more, they always prefer the highest payments.
In the global advertising market; physically, a bunch of OOH advertisers control over 85%, such as Clear Channel or JCDecaux. Digitally, just Meta and Google control more than 75%. Their fees for advertising locally are unattainable for the vast majority of society.
This dynamic affects in an even worse manner local initiatives and business models where income-generation isn't the main goal or benefit. Activities such as artistic, cultural, wellness, recreational, educational or democratic, do have a proven positive impact on the quality of life of communities and their people.
Thus, social losses provoked by the insufficient access to advertising locally are invaluable in terms of a better quality of life, for all of us and the ones to come.
[ Concepts we are testing ]
Our co-operative model recognizes that within each locality there are different issues and inspirations, which Cardano's DAOs, NFTs, dApps and many projects on this Catalyst, can serve in different appropriate ways.
Taking into consideration the following fact, that 'a fundamental base of the learning -and use- curve of Blockchain and Cardano lies in the ability to conceptualize the technology and its tangible applications'; the education and visualization of practical uses of Blockchain is a central part of the average citizen adoption process.
That's why we have explored the possibilities and implications of physical digital displays located at diverse public spaces, where people could be able to see and interact with local contents and initiatives curated by the nearby communities through DAO, while -at the same time- it broadcasts diverse educational contents about Blockchain and Cardano dApps, promoting the onboarding to this ecosystem.
If we succeed our physical infrastructure -powered by DAO on Cardano- could platform any previous -or upcoming- Catalyst Project that aims to test or provide services to common citizens or that relate with Smart Cities. Please contact us if you are willing to collaborate, at
[ Solutions we are developing ]
'A DAO Social Platform to curate contents and fund initiatives; while broadcasting both to Public Spaces through Digital Displays'
By Q3 2022, into Cardano's era of Basho (scaling), we aim to launch a 'Beta' easy-to-use digital social platform powered by Blockchain tools such as DAO, NFTs and Social Tokens.
There, users will be able to interact and share their contents, as well as mint and offer NFTs on Cardano. All this, while letting them collectively identify local challenges and proposing solutions to them.
Through 'LOCAL' Tokens, users will be able to utilize DAO dynamics and curate which contents and NFTs should be broadcasted to the local infrastructure of Out-of-Home Digital Displays (OOH) at Public Spaces. As well as selecting which proposals should receive more attention and funding, in a Community-Innovation process based on Catalyst. Both types of DAO-interaction will requiere a minimum Token fee, that could also become subsidized-to-zero by the network.
Through DAO, local communities will also be able to choose the temporal advertising mix that their OOH displays will broadcast, as well as selecting the clients interested to advertise and how incomes will be used.
These FIAT incomes will back-up the 'LOCAL' Token value and increase the Treasury available for funding initiatives and awarding those contents that are most valued by network users.
Other income streams that will flow into the monetary treasury (which backups 'LOCAL' Token), will come from crowd-funding and the subsidies (or monthly subscription) granted by space-administrators that value the DAO-OOH infrastructure we provide to their stakeholders. Tokens could be also used to purchase on local businesses.
The whole Tokenomics mentioned above, will promote the onboarding of users, communities and space administrators, even if they haven't ever used Blockchain. This model may have elements to engage into mass-adoption, in a viral manner.
[ Scaling DAO and our Infrastructure of Digital Displays ]
Our platform's UI for Broadcasting will be designed to respond and adjust to all kinds of Digital Displays. Manual adjustment of the resolution and sizing will also be available to confirm usability, anywhere.
In order to activate our DAO Network on certain Digital Display, to stream the best-valued contents, NFTs and initiatives of the locality, these displays will need internet connection, location validation and our Broadcasting Key. We will provide a Broadcasting Key to those local users, communities or space-administrators, that register and verify to have a Digital Display available for broadcasting.
The staking of the key will enable the Airdrop of 'LOCAL' Tokens, as an incentive for maintaining the availability of the OOH Display, and the costs associated, such internet connection and electricity consumption.
These Digital Displays, such as TVs, Monitors or Digital Signaling, could be the ones that are already installed. For example, many currently exist on Community Spaces such as university campuses, cultural buildings, neighbourhood centres, sport clubs, offices, etc. Also, Social Spaces such as restaurants, coffee shops or small businesses usually have them.
Thus, before aiming for Public Spaces, we will approach local Social and Community Spaces; by proposing to the communities that inhabit them and, also, the administrators of this type of places.
In order to increase the local availability of OOH Displays, we will promote the recycling of TV monitors; but only if technical and energy-consumption criteria is met.
For those users, communities or space-administrators that prefer having new Digital Displays, we will offer them to purchase from a growing variety of models designed by us and manufactured by our local hardware partners. At the moment, we are having conversations with Epson.
While, in case our clients are interested in permitting the installation of Digital Displays in open areas, we will offer them to purchase from our variety of Protection Cases or build them using our open-source instructions.
Having infrastructure in Public Spaces, such as subway stations, bus stops, high affluence sidewalks, parks or tourist attractions would be the main goal of any locality, and it will require partnerships with authorities. The concretion of these alliances will be easier as more local people did already onboard and use DAO-OOH at certain spaces, of Community or Social type.
At certain point, after the onboarding of localities reaches a critical adoption of 0.1% from the local population, we will incentivize users to organize in order to formally solicit authorities to subsidize the DAO-OOH infrastructure: in terms of expanding Digital Display installation and . If authorities aren't aligned, users will be let to choose a mix between crowd-funding and distributing funds from the treasury to this activities of growth.
Over 80% of the income streams from the Network will be governed by the community of local users. This includes, authorities' subsidies or subscription, advertising mix and crowd-funding.
All these streams will be added to the Local Treasury, in the form of more FIAT-backed 'LOCAL' Tokens, that will serve through DAO to maintain infrastructure, incentivize new installations, as well as rewarding local contents and funding initiatives that approach local challenges.
[ Our Roadmap with Expenses ]
Q4, 2021: $5.000 from F6:
- Proposal Link Above
Q1, 2022: $9.000 from this F6
We will focus on providing an easy-to-use platform where people can embed contents, initiatives, products or NFTs hosted on any Blockchain or site from the internet. This alpha platform will let users collectively vote their curation of which local contents should be displayed on 4 OOH and what local initiatives should get funds.
1. 300-user testing of DAO dynamics, without Blockchain:
2. 150-user UI testing of our web-app and OOH broadcast.
3. Activate 4 test-OOH on different types of spaces: University Campus, Subway Station, Cultural Centre, Park.
4. Validate Proof-of-Concept.
5. Confirm UI Design of web-app and OOH Broadcast.
6. Confirm manufacturing Design of OOH Digital Display and Hardware partner.
7. Confirm alliances with Administrators of Community and Social Spaces.
8. Start development of Alpha DAO and Tokenomics, without Blockchain.
Q2, 2022: $12.000 from this F7
1. Launch Alpha DAO Social Platform, with operative functionality, without Blockchain.
2. Start manufacturing our first 5 OOH Digital Display.
3. Confirm alliances with authorities of Public Spaces.
4. Confirm permanent Infrastructure deployment at Santiago de Chile and the 7 other most populated cities of the country.
5. Reach 500 users on our Alpha.
6. Activate 12 first permanent OOH Digital Display, not necessarily manufactured by us. Three in each of the biggest 4 Regions of Chile.
7. Start developing Beta DAO Social Platform and Tokenomics, with Blockchain.
Q3, 2022: $12.000 from this F7
1. Launch Beta DAO Social Platform at Chile, with Blockchain.
2. International offering of 'LOCAL' Token.
3. Confirm alliances with administrators of Community and Social Spaces at 3 Latin American countries: El Salvador, Brazil and México.
4. Confirm our first Alliance with a Public Space authority outside Chile.
5. Reach 2.000 users on our Beta.
6. Activate 36 more DAO Digital Displays, so each of the 16 regions of Chile has -at least- two.
7. First DAO-governance round of funding for 4 local initiatives.
Q4, 2022: $8.000 from this F7
1. Reach 5.000 users on our Beta.
2. Activate 10 DAO Displays at El Salvador, Brazil and México and 8 on Chile; reaching 88 in total.
3. Totally Descentralize Governance of DAO-OOH at Chile.
4. Confirm first alliances outside Latin America.
Q1, 2023: $4.000 from this F7 + Re-investment of Operating Income
1. Onboard 10 spaces in 1 country outside Latin America
2. Campaign: Marketing and Public Relationships
[ Our growing Team ]
Gon: Blockchain and Cooperative Businesses. Cardano's Emurgo Academy. Delivery app COO. Investigator and Artivist @ DAO and Smart Cities: or
Martina: Business Design Thinking, Innovation and Scaling. Web developer. Consultant:
Masaccio: Cultural and Community Management. Writer. Editor:
Sonia: Filmmaker. Activist. 20+ years of experience and networking within the chilean cultural scene: or @ainosattoram
Ian: Engineer. Focused on hardware design, manufacturing and use of recycled materials. Environmental Activist.
Matías: UX and UI Designer. Architect. Photographer.
Paula: Advisor. University Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship:
Let's collaborate or work together! ->
Gratitude to all the people who have decided to get involved and participate in the locality without borders that represents Cooperativa Local, and also; to the community of Cardano and Project Catalyst.
For two years, we have explored this model and lead local adoption of Blockchain uses. F6 Catalyst Community funded us for initial testing.