Last updated 2 years ago
There is a lack of frameworks and tools to create and manage a decentralized autonomous organizations in Cardano blockchain.
Create a DAO to develop a secure, open source customizable DAO solution that can be offered as a service to non-technical communities.
This is the total amount allocated to DAO-NET: DAO Deployment Platform.
Create a DAO to develop a secure, open source customizable DAO solution that can be offered as a service to non-technical communities.
An experienced team of Blockchain developers, Plutus pioneers, SPO operators, Community Advisors and Solutions Analysts.
Cardano Ecosystem Value
By having an open source customizable DAO solution that new DAOs can readily use on their own or as part of DAO-Net, the Cardano ecosystem will be the go-to choice for DAOs which will increase the number of members and transaction volumes in the ecosystem.
Action Plan Details
The base DAO primitive, which will be open source and customizable, is a set of smart contracts for algorithmically managed DAOs. Blockchain ledgers will anonymously track membership and each member's votes towards two categories of votes (Technical and Budget). The blockchain ledgers will also track the budget amounts in various DAO project escrow accounts.
Technical votes refer to the process of upgrading the DAO smart contract software to implement new features, fix bugs or deal with security issues.
Budget votes refer to proportional allocation of token income to projects, DAOs, individuals, smart contracts or other wallet addresses. Any member can add a budget item to the budget list which consists of a title, description and address (which could be a smart contract or wallet). A smart contract budget item may contain several other budget items. For instance budget item Community Growth DAO Project A may be a smart contract that allocates tokens as follows 50% to Multilingual Translators DAO Project B for translation services, 20% to Developer C for development work, 20% to Developer D for development work and 10% to Communication & Outreach DAO for marketing. Members could direct their proportional allocation of funds to Community Growth DAO Project A which would then divide the funds up accordingly or they could directly allocate funds to any of the specific sub-budget items.
A DAO instance is simply a smart contract budget item that has variable parameters for its sub-budget items that are assigned by member voting allocation. Each member allocates all or a portion of their budget vote to the budget items which they would like funded. For instance a member could allocate their entire vote to a single budget item or they could spread 0.25 votes equally among 4 different budget items. Every hour the tokens received by a DAO are distributed proportional to the votes allocated to each budget item. If some members have not allocated their budget votes then that proportion of the funds are sent back to the DAO to be redistributed in the next hour.
Note that budget items may receive tokens directly from sponsors and other sources in addition to the DAO budget voting process.
Discussions about voting will take place in third party platforms initially although a future decentralized platform for such discussions may be created to prevent censorship and maintain privacy.
Each member is given 1 vote for each of the voting categories and each vote can be broken down into fractions of up to 1 millionth, to allow for future proportional delegation to more than one voting smart contract and for proportional budget allocation votes. The votes of a member who is suspended are also suspended until the member renews their credentials.
The DAO Development Platform will use this solution for its own operations with budget votes being used to determine which projects get funded for implementation.
As a repeatable pattern of a DAO smart contract primitive the solution could theoretically scale to thousands of DAOs with millions of members, each of which self-organize into DAOs based upon areas of interest or expertise. In practical terms, the solution is limited by the performance of the blockchain on which it resides. The smart contract requirements are complex therefore the solution is likely to be resource intensive initially. Smart contract optimization and an eventual dedicated sidechain(s) are likely required to achieve massive scalability.
The initial DAO-NET target market are advocates for decentralized governance in the Cardano ecosystem, which can be approximated at 44,000 individuals based upon Project Catalyst Fund 6 voter participation. The target market expands as more DAOs are brought online with additional areas of interest.
Acquisition Plan
Theoretically a 25% market participation rate for the above tightly defined market is plausible however membership acquisition is expected to be mainly driven by the creation of new, and recruitment of existing DAOs into the legal protection and funding mechanisms of DAO-NET. Access to funding is expected to be a larger incentive for DAOs than legal protections.
Skills Required
Product Manager
Lead Developer
Product Manager: Dwayne Collard - 20 years+ IT Consultant, Solutions Analyst, IT Manager, Community Advisor
Lead Developer: Jude Ben - 9 years+ Software Development , Plutus Smart Contract Development , Cloud and Infrastructure Engineer
February 2022
March 2022
April 2022
May 2022
June 2022
July 2022
Key Performance Indicators
Success Definition
3 months
6 months
12 months
Product Manager ($2,000/month): $12,000
Algorithmic DAO Smart Contract ($4,000/month): $24,000
Smart Contract Audits: $10,000
Hosting Services (1 year): $2,400
Total: $48,400
Future Funding
Subject to legal review, DAO-NET intends to have a Bootstrap Funding contingency as further incentives to contractors, in which a small percentage of the DAO-NET Treasury can be set aside in a smart contract to retroactively fund contractors.
Proposals for additional enhancements to the DAO-NET ecosystem and new DAOs will be submitted in future Project Catalyst funding rounds.
If the CryptoFusion Funder proposal is funded then DAO-NET is expected to be self-funding when launched on the mainnet including the ability to fund other DAO proposals.
All intellectual property is intended to be freely shared with the world so that any insights can be duplicated in other experiments to rapidly advance decentralized governance therefore:
All software developed as part of this proposal will be Open Source under Apache License, version 2.0
All documentation will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License
1 ) Likely regulations hostile to DAOs and decentralized blockchain applications
Risk Mitigations
2 ) Bias by some Community Advisors and Voters against large solutions being divided into multiple proposals
Risk Mitigations
Related Links
DAO Net Proposal:
CryptoFusion Funder Proposal:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
An experienced team of Blockchain developers, Plutus pioneers, SPO operators, Community Advisors and Solutions Analysts.