Last updated 3 years ago
Decentralized Gov. is in its infancy and presents a fundamental issue for DAOs.
We can offer dGov resources & expertise to attract DAOs.
Establish the foundations for a dGov research and standardization body. Grow our reputation by providing a service for the entire space.
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized Governance Alliance.
Establish the foundations for a dGov research and standardization body. Grow our reputation by providing a service for the entire space.
Over 3 years in the Cardano community and dGov space. Academic background, Tech consultant and Program Manager.
Decentralized Governance (dGov) is one of the main challenges to the adoption and evolution of DAOs.
A forum conducting research, debates and focused collaboration regrading dGov could serve as a powerful platform to attract DAOs to Cardano, and serve as a beacon for the entire space.
Such an initiative will focus on informing the debate around dGov, and will aim to illuminate dGov techniques and practices and consequences, in Cardano DAOs, and beyond.
The scope of this proposal is to bootstrap a dedicated vibrant community, seek out collaborators and contributors from inside and outside Cardano, and begin reaching out to established projects.
3 month goals:
6-12 month goals are included in the proposal deck attached below and go beyond the scope of this proposal.
Please see the docs below for full details -
**F7 DGA Proposal:**
**DGA Inception deck:**
Any creatives, web professionals and dGov enthusiasts welcome to join and contribute 👾.
Over 3 years in the Cardano community and dGov space. Academic background, Tech consultant and Program Manager.