Last updated 3 years ago
Catalyst Voting app is not open-source & can't be used by native asset issuers
Develop open-source version of Catalyst voting app
This is the total amount allocated to Open-source Catalyst voting app.
Develop open-source version of Catalyst voting app
Our selected sub-contractor is who has deep mobile app development experience
Co-proposed by the ADOSIA IoT team, alternative voting app for Project Catalyst needs to be developed and released as open-source, so that we can leverage Jormungandr voting capability to engage token holders in decentralized and distributed governance. Once documented, process and the voting app can be used by other issuers of Cardano Native assets for voting.
In combindation with the multi-sig treasury, this can enable basic governance of projects running on Cardano with privacy preservation.
Open-source voting app, will enable us to explore alternative governance schemes, proposals presentation, and enables wide range of other experiments around governance, of both Cardano, and projects building on Cardano.
## Budget Breakdown
- 60k - Fixed Term price contract to supplier - AiKIT
- 7k5 - Project & Vendor management
- 7k5 - Jormungandr / Catalyst side-chain documentation and general user documentation
## Expected launch date
The app is expected to hit the market in 3 months after begining of funding; 1 month delay in resource allocation on supplier side and 2 months of app development.
## Success Criteria
Success of the proposal is meassured by these KPIs:
- Mobile app download from Apple & Google Play App stores
- Amount of GitHub stars
- Amount of GitHub forks
- Amount of community contributions
- Amount of projects using the app for their own voting
- Amount of experiments utilizing the open-source voting app
Our selected sub-contractor is who has deep mobile app development experience