Last updated 3 years ago
SDKs that make it easy for builders to easily build quality tools and solutions are still limited.
An opensource self-hosted or Dandelion powered typescript SDK for creating a fund management DAO. Rules DSL that govern money in and out.
This is the total amount allocated to Simple fund management DAO SDK.
An opensource self-hosted or Dandelion powered typescript SDK for creating a fund management DAO. Rules DSL that govern money in and out.
14+ Yrs Software & Cloud Engineering, Blockchain development, business consulting, world languages, technical writing, teaching.
## Context
We (at is building PHUFFY, wrapped lovelaces, a way to help communities crowd source funding decisions while providing full transparency and auditability.
At, PHUFFY coin is currently being used as way to let pool delegators decide which charities receive our support.
When we receive epoch rewards, 50% of our margin is used to mint PHUFFY Coin, 'locking' up lovelaces. Minted PHUFFY coin is then distributed to our delegators (minting and distribution is done in a single transaction). Our delegators then use their PHUFFY Coins to nominate or vote for charitable causes. Once a month, the cause with the most votes receives funding equal to the number of votes they received. Funds are transferred by burning PHUFFY coins votes received and unlocking locked up lovelaces.
## The big idea
Everything just described happens in centralized way with cli generated wallets and address published for the community to track. In additional to having an address the community can track and use to hold us accountable, we would love to build some smart contracts to help provide trust. Better yet an sdk you can feed parameters to and it would spit out these smart contracts. With the sdk you would be able to create contracts that enable:
1) A Treasury
The treasury contract holds locked lovelaces that have equivalent native token minted. This contract would enforce a 1-1 relationship between treasury balance and mint native token in circulation
2) A Governor
The Governor contract only holds native tokens. When votes are cast, they go here.
3) An Escrow
The escrow contract is redeemed lovelaces go when equivalent native tokens are burned. By having it in a contract, we keep the governor and treasury contract logic simple and independent of processes and logic around getting the funds where they need to go. Funds going into escrow can have parametersset with instructions for when and they come out of escrow. Could be as simple as a certain private key interacting with the contract or an nft token holder, or a date passing, etc.
## About Us
We are two Cardano enthusiasts. With our community of contributors, we provide hype-free, educational news and insight about the Cardano network that is accessible to everyone. We are building a network of contributors who break down complicated technical ideas for everyday people, and provide relevant news in quick bites. We are working on community token to facility blockchain based transparent and auditable charitable giving (
Our website is a resource for anyone who wants to learn what Cardano is, What project Catalyst is, why they should care, and how they can participate. We want to make these resources accessible to as many people as possible.
Darlington is an engineer by day and at all times a dancer, humanitarian, idealist and entrepreneur.
Stephanie is a teacher and technologist with a passion for helping non-profits navigate and capitalize on technology.
## LinkedIn Pages:
## Roadmap
1 Month: Research existing open source smart contract templating framework to contribute to and build a developer sdk around.
3 Months: Build develop sdk around existing smart contract templating framework
6 Months: Other Plan A. Build simple extensible smart contract generator with a developer sdk to provide a stable api for creating simple custom DAOs.
## Budget
Development and Documentation: $16250 (65/hr): Research existing existing DAO framework to build sdk wrappers for. If we're able to find a suitable framework or collaborate with a team building one, the money will be used for to provide 3yrs Long term support for the wrappers as well as make code contribution to that framework.
If we fail to find a suitable open source framework, then the goal will to work with plutus devs from the community to build our own open source simple smart contract generator.
14+ Yrs Software & Cloud Engineering, Blockchain development, business consulting, world languages, technical writing, teaching.