Last updated 3 years ago
Maintaining an IPFS infrastructure is time-consuming and costly.
We provide easy to use HTTP API and SDK for IPFS storage.
This is the total amount allocated to Distributed storage Infrastructure.
We provide easy to use HTTP API and SDK for IPFS storage.
We operate the TANGO stake pool and developed cardano-wallet-js and Tangocrypto Software as a Service.
Problem statement:
In the traditional web, everything is mutable and dynamic, this works well most of the time, but it can lead to a broken link (link rot). A broken link is a big concern for a digital artifact like an NFT because they are meant to be permanent. NFTs have an on-chain and an off-chain component. The on-chain part contains the metadata and links to the off-chain part, usually a file or files. If you store an NFT with a link that later rots, the value of the NFT is compromised even though the blockchain record remains unchanged.
Describe your solution to the problem:
We need links that endure in time to safely link from an NFT to off-chain assets like images. The ideal link would always resolve to the same piece of content linked during the minting of the NFT. In this way, it is not tied to a single server owner or "domain."
Content addressing gives us precisely the kind of links we need. You no longer get to choose the keys. Instead, the keys are derived directly from the values stored using a deterministic function that generates the same key for the same content.
When your data is stored on IPFS, users can fetch it from any IPFS node with a copy, making data transfers more efficient and reducing the load on any single server. As each user brings a piece of data, they keep a local copy around to help other users request it later.
We'll provide a suite of high-availability APIs and developer tools (SDKs) for fast and reliable access to the Cardano network and IPFS that requires only minutes to integrate. Our goal is to lower the entry barrier for development on Cardano by providing reliable infrastructure and easy to use API that will allow developers and enterprises to focus on building their business model and growing next-generation software without worrying about infrastructure and operational responsibilities.
Use cases and customers
Relevant Experience
Our team members have experience in different technologies, including backend, web and mobile development, distributed systems and databases, Cloud Architecture and Big Data. We are the Stake Pool Operators (SPO) of the pool TANGO and the developers of cardano-wallet-js (, a javascript/typescript SDK for Cardano with multiple functionalities. You can use it as a client for the official cardano-wallet and also create Native Tokens and NFTs. Our SDK has several downloads every week using NPM and has been used in other community projects and university assignments.
Meet the team:
Product Manager & Solutions Architect: Javier Toledo Cordova
Professional solutions architect with more than 10 years of experience in technology, specialized in software architecture and cloud computing. Started his career as a network architect designing data center networks and now focuses on cloud architecture and product design.
Sr Full Stack Developer: Leobel Izquierdo
Software Engineer with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and over 7 years of experience in the Software Industry. Working for the past year with blockchain technologies like: Ripple, Ethereum and Cardano.
DevOps: Manuel Morejon Espinosa
Cloud Engineer and Docker Captain, passionate about Cloud-Native Architectures topics and more than 10 years of experience. Has technical and communication skills to help teams to improve their workflow and to reduce deployment times. The goal is always to maximize productivity by minimizing errors. Enthusiastic about teaching and sharing the knowledge with the Community.
Front-end developer: Juan Manuel Menendez. Senior Front End Developer with over 8 years of experience in software development.Advanced experience in JavaScript, Typescript, ReactJS, Apollo GraphQL, CSS, HTML, NextJS, Responsive Web Design, NodeJS, OOP and Functional Programming. Familiar with VueJS, Angular and common practices like Scrum, Git, Continuous Integration, and Testing.
Proposal Components
JS SDK Just download the library and start building! No infrastructure or DevOps is required.
User interface
The user interface will allow you to add and remove files to IPFS in an easy way. I'll have analytics showing requests, methods calls and also an export feature that will allow you to export all the CID in your account.
Backup to AWS S3 and other IPFS providers.
IPFS Gateway
Tangocrypto Free Account Gateway
We will provide a gateway for users who are just getting started at Anyone will be able to access the content through this gateway with a URL like this:
Dedicated Gateways
For those who need higher limit rates and consistent performance.
The paid plan will allow the creation of dedicated gateways.
All the functionalities described here will be valid for both Mainnet and Testnet.
First month:
1 - HTTP API endpoints:
2 - JS SDK
The JS SDK will contain methods to upload the files and folders. For example:
import { TCStorage, getFilesFromPath } from ''
const apikey = process.env.API_KEY
const client = new TCStorage({ apikey })
async function storeMyFiles () {
const files = await getFilesFromPath('/path/to/file')
const cid = await client.put(files)
Second month:
1 - Dedicated Gateways
A custom gateway will allow customers to have their own IPFS gateway. With this artists can link their own domain name to the gateway and share links with their brand on the URL.
2 - User interface
Easy to use user interface to manage your files. You'll be able to upload the files, delete them, and see the bandwidth consumption.
3 - NFT minting from the files stored in IPFS.
From the dashboard, users will be able to select the files and mint them as NFTs.
We'll need the following roles:
Total estimate: $15 000
We operate the TANGO stake pool and developed cardano-wallet-js and Tangocrypto Software as a Service.