Last updated 3 years ago
NFT Art is the new craze this year. How do we make NFT Art accessible, secure, and profitable for art enthusiasts, Investors, and creators?
Develop and integrate DeFi for NFT and art investments using this platform to facilitate transactions and liquidity. Increase NFT value.
This is the total amount allocated to Galaxy Art DeFi Art Gallery.
Develop and integrate DeFi for NFT and art investments using this platform to facilitate transactions and liquidity. Increase NFT value.
NFT Games/DeFi/Solidity/web3.js and reactJS.
6+ years of exp as a full-stack engineer with HTML5/CSS/javascript.
5 Year Front-end Develope
-Develop Project website and Tokenomics for the platform (version 1).
-Utilize the capabilities of Atala Prism for KYC security for users (to prevent fraud wash sales) and verify platform freelancers. ID's to maintain verifiable and secure anonymity based on the user's discretion (zero-knowledge, etc.)
-Structure for Decentralized Freelancer hirings for platform maintenance and operation.
-Future copyrighting of Digital NFT art, etc. using AI.
-NFT Lending/staking function (think of crypto on AAVE DeFi platform)
-NFT's with function or Smart Contract linked NFT's (Totems in the Lite paper)
**There are parts to this project that are already developed or have been proposed already. It would accelerate production to seek partnerships with them or add on the complimentary proposals that align (some attached to proposal as PDF).
*Fractionalized NFT's
*Tokenized Artwork (blue chip, etc.)
*Atala Prism Identity
*Voting for project management and proposals (similar to Project Catalyst)
Use of funds:
-Copyright Protocol Research: $2,000
-Marketing: $2,000
-Token Launch and Website: $1,000
-Develop NFT Marketplace: $10,000
-Develop NFT DeFi protocol: ~$10,000
-Protocol V1 Audit: $4,000
Project Road Map:
Q1 2022:
• Website Launch ($1000}
o Lite Paper
o Token Launch (BSC, etc.)
o Galaxy Art NFT Launch signup
• Additional Developer onboarding/hiring
• NFT Marketplace Protocol Development V1 {$12k}
• Development of DeFi Protocol V1 Testnet {$12K}
• Develop Digital Identity Portion of Protocol for Marketplace v1
o Test net launch
o Utilize the capabilities of Atala Prism
• Research on Copyright Portion of Protocol {$2k}
• Marketing Team hire {$2K}
o Marketing plan development
Q2 2022:
• Implement Totems (NFT + Smart Contract) on Marketplace V1 Testnet
• Audit of NFT Marketplace v1
o Digital Identity Verification
o Copyright Protocol v1
o Totem (NFTs + SC)
• Browser Wallet Integration
o MetaMask
o Yoroi
o Gero, etc.
• DeFi Partnership integrations
o Seek partnerships: Token DeFi
Autofarm (BSC, Matic)
Pancakeswap (BSC)
Cosmos Network Dex
• Museum and gallery partnerships outreach.
• Verified Industry Professionals (VIPs) outreach and recruitment 1
• Finishing touches on NFT Marketplace Protocol v1
o Finalize Copyright Protocol functions
• First round NFT Launch Active upon Launch of Marketplace V1
• Protocol partnerships development for: [Sponsors]
o A.I. and V.I. integration
o Storage of Data
o Decentralized Web Hosting
o Digital Identity updates
o NFT Frames and hardware devices
Q3 2022:
• Second Round of NFT Launch Active
• Implement Fractional investing of NFT Artwork for Staking NFTs
• Audit of DeFi Protocol V1 (may come sooner)
• Integration of Galaxy Art Protocol V1.2 onto Devices Beta
o Chrome cast/ Firestick, etc.
o NFT Frames
o Desktop Portals
• Protocol Interoperability Research and Partnerships.
• Implement Copyright Protocol and Launch NFT Marketplace V2 testnet
• Audit of Marketplace prior to launch.
• Integration of Marketplace V2 and DeFi V1 for Galaxy Art Protocol 2.1
• Additional Partnerships for Art Venues and Dealers. [Sponsors]
• Verified Industry Professionals (VIPs) outreach and recruitment 2
Q4 2022:
• Finishing Touches on Integration onto Hardware devices for G.A. Protocol V2.1
• Protocol Interoperability Test net Launch 1
o Cosmos
o Polkadot (Auction)
• DAO Voting structure Finalized for Galaxy Art V2.1
Q1 2023:
• Audit of Interoperability Test net Launch 1
o G.A. NFT Chain Launch
• Protocol Interoperability Test net launch [G.A. DAO vote]
o Fantom
o Solana
o Avalanche, etc.
Q2 2023:
• Interoperability Launch 1
o Cosmos
o Polkadot
3 Month Success:
*2K Discord Followers
*10K Twitter followers
*Successful Test net Launch of GA Protocol V1
Audit of GA Protocol V1 with no Major issues
*2 DeFi Platform partnership (i.e. AAVE)
*Successful GA token launch and NFT Pre-sales with approximately $300K in G.A. Project DAO Fund
6 Month Success:
*Adoption by minor/major Art galleries, museums, and dealers.
*100K users on Protocol V1 mainnet
*1,000 Platform Sponsors
12 Month success:
*Bridge between Cosmos and DAO vote selected chains.
*No major issues with Protocol V1 for 6 Months
NFT Games/DeFi/Solidity/web3.js and reactJS.
6+ years of exp as a full-stack engineer with HTML5/CSS/javascript.
5 Year Front-end Develope