Last updated a year ago
Dapps don't have an easy way to create, manage, and execute smart contracts. Developing contracts is difficult and audits are expensive.
We have created a no code solution that enables users to create, manage, and execute smart contracts.
This is the total amount allocated to No code, audited Smart Contracts.
We have created a no code solution that enables users to create, manage, and execute smart contracts.
We have been building this product for 8 months and are currently integrating with PAB.
Clear Contracts Catalyst Proposals: Detailed Plan
This is an initial plan for how we are going to provide value to the Cardano ecosystem by creating technology to make it easy for dapps to integrate smart contracts into their desired workflows. We are excited for feedback and thoughts from the community. We are always looking to obtain guidance and are looking for people passionate about this type of project to join our team. We are open for collaboration that can help push this ecosystem forward. We are excited to iterate on our proposal with the community. If you are interested in this project please feel free to contact me on telegram @loganpanchot
Clear Contracts is a decentralized smart contract management architecture powered by the Cardano Blockchain. The architecture is carefully designed to provide a non technical solution for users to engage in automated decentralized executable code blocks. The architecture enables users to create, manage, and execute custom smart contracts in a no code manner.
The primary objective of this project is to enable dapps to easily implement smart contracts into their desired workflows and to create smart contract templates
Phase 1: Release of Beta Product (Q4 2021)
We are currently working on integrating with the recent PAB update from IOHK. Once we achieve integration we will launch our Beta Product. Our beta product is a no code smart contract management platform that enables users to create, manage, and execute smart contracts. You can see a demo video of how we allow users to do this here:
This beta product interacts with a simple escrow smart contract that utilizes captured user interactions to ensure correct deployment of the contract to the blockchain and ensure the correct releases of funds. In this phase we are also obtaining a smart contract audit to ensure our users the contract will behave exactly how they expect it to, without fail.
The main objectives of this launch is to get users to interact with our smart contracts, get feedback, and provide a base for us to build our API tooling around.
Phase 2: API development (Q2 2022)
If granted, the funding obtained from this proposal will accelerate the development of our API creation to enable easy integration for cardano dapps.
In this phase we will develop powerful and easy to use APIs so that decentralized applications can implement no code smart contract technology into their existing workflows. This will be key in growing our ecosystems and enabling creation of dapps in the cardano ecosystem.
A key part of this phase will be increasing our presence in high traction markets.
Phase 3: Expand Smart Contract Library (Q3 2022)
This phase will be a community driven effort to expand our smart contract library to brainstorm, propose, and create new smart contract templates that will help drive adoption, expand the ecosystem, and create the most benefit for the world.
Our team consists of 3 developers working on the front end and back end parts of our web application as well as a team of experts in haskell/plutus programming. Our haskell development team consists of professors at universities that teach haskell programming.
How we'll measure success:
3 months:
-launch proof of concept audited escrow contract to the public
-have 10 dapps in Cardano ecosystem using our contract templates in their native applications
6 months:
-Expand contract library to include more community driven templates
-have 20 dapps in Cardano ecosystem using our contract templates in their native applications
12 months
-Expand contract library further
-have 3 fully functional APIs for dapps to plug into their native applications
-have 50 dapps utilizing our contract templates
Budget Breakdown:
Obtain audit of initial escrow contract: 10000
Pay development team to finalize integration with PAB (haskell development team, work is already being done on this front): 5000
Pay development team to create easy to use API for 3rd party dapps to integrate with (Full stack development team): 5000
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We have been building this product for 8 months and are currently integrating with PAB.