Last updated 3 years ago
It's costly each day a package is held up do to faulty info. Mislabeled products destroy profits. Consumers need info to make better choices
DApp that improves efficiency for manufacturers and distributors and provides richer product labeling and documentation for consumers
This is the total amount allocated to Safety & Traceability in Cosmetics.
DApp that improves efficiency for manufacturers and distributors and provides richer product labeling and documentation for consumers
Technology (Solution design) - 20yrs
Chemist and product safety specialist - 20yrs
Chemico Group Pilot
Chemico Group is an ISO-9001 and 14001 certified chemical management supplier specializing in integrated solutions for the entire chemical lifecycle - from procurement to on-site inventory management, distribution to environmentally conscious disposal. Founded in 1989, the veteran-owner, minority-owned company generates more than $150 million in annual sales, and employs more than 500 persons across North America, During its 30-year history, Chemico has experienced positive growth every year since inception. The company is expanding services to Europe and South America.
Product Safety and Traceability
Properly managing labels on cosmetic and personal care products is critical to the success of any brand. Labels are the most visible part of the regulatory compliance process and are essential to the manufacturer, distributor, and consumer when it comes to the safety of cosmetics and personal care.
Consider the implications... You, your significant other, and children at some point throughout the day use one or more of cosmetic/personal care products including but not limited to: soaps, lotions, toothpaste shampoo, deodorants, nail polish, perfumes, etc ...
Cosmetics are defined by the FDA as articles that are rubbed, poured, sprinkled, sprayed on or introduced into or applied to the human body… for cleansing, beautifying, promoting, attractiveness, or altering appearance [FD&C Act, sec. 201(i)].
How do you know the products you are applying are safe for yourself and your children? The average consumer doesn't know. Which is why companies of value and integrity go to great lengths to abide by product safety regulations making sure the products they are manufacturing and distributing are safe.
There are many considerations for the manufacturer, distributor and consumer when cosmetics/personal care products are involved.
Value Chain Considerations
For Companies
***Example of potential fines assessed for misidentified products.
Legislative Decree N° 204 of December 4, 2015 contains information about the rules on penalties for infringement of Regulation (EC) N ° 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.
Article 7: Identification within the supply chain
The identification requirements in the supply chain from the person responsible / supplier at the request of a competent authority.
If these obligations are not respected, you have to pay a fine of 10,000 to 25,000 EUR
For Distributors
***Example of costs that are incurred if products are not classified properly
The classification of your goods may seem like a relatively insignificant part of the shipping process. After all, you're just labeling what you send. But doing so incorrectly can create multiple problems.
For Consumers
***Example dangers of manufacturers not protecting consumer wellbeing.
The "No Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Cosmetics Act" was introduced in the US House and Senate.
There are adverse health effects associated with exposure to PFAS , including liver damage, thyroid disease, decreased fertility, high cholesterol, obesity, hormone suppression and cancer.
New studies found high levels of markers for toxic PFAS substances in 52% of 231 makeup products purchased in the United States and Canada.
****What we are Proposing:****A comprehensive cosmetic/personal care product value chain and traceability solution on the Cardano blockchain that realizes the above considerations for manufacturers, distributors and consumers. The cost to all three marketplace actors can be reduced significantly by bringing more efficiency, transparency and sustainability to the overall value chain.
Road Map
01/2022 - Analysis and Planning Manufacturer / Distributor Requirements Gathering
02/2022 - Refine and Model System Design / Risk mitigation
03/2022 - Audit System Design
05/2022 - UX UI / Design and Prototyping
06/2022 - Development
09/2022 - Testing
11/2022 - Deployment
12/2022... - Maintenance
Link to Full Proposal:
Budget (Complete Solution):
The ask for fund 7 is for first four months of project
** Definition document
** Vision
** Communications plan
Technology (Solution design) - 20yrs
Chemist and product safety specialist - 20yrs