Last updated 3 years ago
Most people would like more action taken to fight climate change[1] but it needs to be done in a fun and engaging way
Incentivize people to take action by setting up a lottery where 50% of the rewards goes towards fighting climate change
This is the total amount allocated to The Climate Change Lottery.
Incentivize people to take action by setting up a lottery where 50% of the rewards goes towards fighting climate change
20+ yrs in web application development, computer science degree at University of Toronto and enrolled in plutus pioneers program 2nd cohort
Mission Statement
Become the largest lottery in the world where 50% of the jackpot rewards to directly to planting trees in deforested tropical areas
How It Works
Step 1 A lottery is created by using ½ of the available funds in the lotto treasury
Step 2 People buy lotto tickets and 49% goes to the current lottery, 49% goes to the lotto treasury and 2% goes to the lotto administration
Step 3 People with winning lotto tickets redeem for prizes in ADA, unclaimed funds moves into the next lottery cycle
Solution Details
Solution Benefits
All software created will be licensed under an open source license and can be used a template for other potential lotteries built on Cardano
The lottery blockchain market has a lot of new market participants using Ethereum and Binance smart contracts but none are claiming 50% jackpot rewards to help combat climate change.
The lottery after first 3 months of the public launch
* variable based on lottery payout
As the progressive jackpot and lottery treasury increases, new entrants will be at a competitive dis-advantage
Funding Request for Fund 7 Cost Breakdown ($17K)
* I'll work on this for free
Funding Request for Fund 8 Cost Breakdown ($33K)
1 Month
3 Month
6 Month
Note: MVP = Minimum Viable Product
1st year target for success based on Fund7/8 funding only
Looking for people to help
I've set up a telegram channel for those who are interested in helping out or finding out the latest news about the project.
Open to feedback and suggestions!
About the Proposer (Lawrence Ley)
20+ yrs in web application development, computer science degree at University of Toronto and enrolled in plutus pioneers program 2nd cohort