Last updated 3 years ago
Spam & Scam attacks are an enormous thread for all DLT/Blockcain communities. Several Communities work on solutions. how can we collaborate
Exploring a cross chain environment where DLT/Blockchain communities share common experiences and start to build solutions together.
This is the total amount allocated to Cross Chain Cyber Security Collab.
Exploring a cross chain environment where DLT/Blockchain communities share common experiences and start to build solutions together.
Highly engaged and experienced Cardano & Catalyst Community Projects, Cardano Ambassadors well connected to other Blockchain Communities
Hello and happy Fund 7 there
When it comes to misinformative attacks against our Community we should have on major thought in our mind. We are not facing that problem alone. Misinformative attacks are a challenge all DLT/Blockchain communities and ecosystems have to face. All of those ecosystems are doing their best to develop effective solutions to fight those attacks.
As all ecosystems work on individual solutions, we have a certain duplication of effort and waste of resources as the efforts are neither communicated, nor coordinated. Collaboration between Blockchains to explore and establish common solutions would be highly efficient, but do not exist yet.
Further, needed solutions do not even require any onchain solutions as the attacks mostly focus on conventional social media platforms and channels such as Telegram, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord etc.
Our Goal
To avoid duplication of effort and to merge efforts, we aim to explore and establish cross chain teams which:
(1) Share their insights and experiences from their communities in regard of fighting misinformation attacks
(2) Raising awareness on already existing initiatives across several Blockchain ecosystems. Which solutions to defend against misinformation attacks exist already
(3) Building alignment on common solutions
(4) Execute together solutions to defend against misinformation attacks.
As we already established close relations with people from the Web3 Foundation ( Polkadot ) and from the IOTA Foundation, the first steps are already done on which we can move forward to realize this proposal.
How we do that
First, we will start setting up and maintaining a cross chain community and communication Hub to increase a cross chain team building process.
Parallel to that, we will start an Onboarding and recruitment campaign to raise awareness of our initiative
By creating a cross chain center of gravity we aim to increase the communication, coordination and collaboration of the explored cross chain environment.
From here we are able to sensor, identify and map already existing solutions and initiatives which already fight misinformation attacks.
By establishing the cross chain center of gravity we now have the possibility to create a pool of knowledge and expertise with community members of different blockchains. Now we will encourage and empower a Cross Chain team building process.
By building cross chain Teams, which act aligned and united to solve common challenges we also explore a whole new ground of collaboration. We are doing pretty well already by exploring the highest potential of human collaboration within our ecosystem.. let's figure out if we are able to include other communities in our collaborations as well.
The Cross Chain Security Circle
By initiating cross chain Teams we create centers of gravity which attracts other people into the cross chain program. We aim to capture the movement and to create a Cross Chain Security Circle with highly experienced and skilled members of different blockchains. The goal is to establish a coordinating body, able to keep other ecosystems up to date when achievements or failures in regard to fighting misinformation attacks have been made.
The Circle will help our ecosystems to stay up to date about any initiatives to defend against misinformation attacks and to effectively coordinate required solutions.
January 2022
Start scheduling bi weekly cross chain community calls in collaboration with other Communities to announce the program and to invite people to take initiative
Setting up and maintain an Cross Chain Community and Communication Hub
Start to map and identify already existing initiatives and solutions which fight misinformation attacks
February 2022
Establishing first Teams to build cross chain solutions to defend against misinformation attacks
March 2022
Launching a Cross Chain "defend against misinformation attacks" Conference
Number of held cross chain calls to focus on: "defend against misinformation attacks"
Number of participants in the calls
Number of established Teams and Team members
Number of developed cross chain misinformation attack - solutions
The Team
The Bridge Builders
The Bridge Builders will lead this initiative and provide a Team of strong, highly experienced and committed Cardano Community members with an profound expertise on various topics
The Catalyst Swarm
The Swarm will support this initative with his network and resource pool of skilled and experienced community members
The Ambassadors Guilds
The Guilds will support this project with diplomatic skillsets and profound knowledge of moderating and managing Server and Channels which are mostly victim of misinformational attacks. Thei Ambassadors knowledge and Experience is crucial to drive this project to its success
This Proposal might not focus on a single solution to build an effective solution to fight misinformation attacks, but aims to explore and establish an whole cross chain environment to include a broad spectrum of communities into a united and coordinated counter attack against misinformation attacks. With that, we are convinced to take an approach which does not only allows us to build blockchain wide misinformation counter attacks but also to establish a whole atmosphere of strong and aligned standards and protocols which allows us to sensor and execute effective solutions - together we are always stronger
This Proposal provides an effective solution to explore and establish an environment and framework in which solutions against misinformation attacks will be ideated, designed and executed by not only the Cardano but several DLT/Blockchain communities and ecosystems. We do not focus on a single solution, but aim to explore a ground for many solutions.
Given the Fact that the Bridge builders already explore and maintain excellent relations to other DLT/Blockchains and that the Bridge Builders are not alone with this initiative, and successful implementation of our proposal is very likely and realistic.
All operations and activities will be documented and tracked via Github
We provide a monthly report via the Catalyst Town Hall
Budget Breakdown
Management and Coordination - 3000 USD
Setting up and Maintaining Community & Communication Hub - 1500 USD
Incentive and reward Community Contributors - 2500 USD
Outreach & Onboarding Campaign - 2500 USD
Treasury for unexpected costs - 1500 USD
Highly engaged and experienced Cardano & Catalyst Community Projects, Cardano Ambassadors well connected to other Blockchain Communities