Last updated 3 years ago
Scams & fake news are not always quickly recognized by innocents, since they either have no time to process the onslaught of it or are naive
Gather sightings & information about the scam/disinformation and present them on a website in a easy-to-understand way.
This is the total amount allocated to Scam & disinformation database.
Gather sightings & information about the scam/disinformation and present them on a website in a easy-to-understand way.
I have 7 years of professional experience in full-stack web development.
Gather sightings of scams, frauds, FUDs, fake news, disinformation, cyber attacks, etc.
Identify patterns and learn about them.
Present them on the website in a succinct and easy-to-understand way using simple English. A single page should try to name or at least categorize the type of scam/disinformation, it must show a single most representative example caught in the wild, its intent must be uncovered and documented on the page, etc.
The homepage of the website would list the most dangerous types scams/disinformation. Special care will be taken for new & currently popular ongoing scams/fake news where it is of utmost importance that we react as soon as possible in order to quell the scam/fake news and stop it spreading by arming the population with information.
Website/community platform funding:
Definition of success
After 3 months: the platform will be at the end of development
After 6 months: the platform will be successfully launched and the first communities will form around identifying & describing scams/FUDs
After 12 months: the platform will be used actively internationally and its userbase will be growing; that means not only the contents curators but the end-users as well.
Impact on key metrics
These two metrics will be impacted directly:
These two metrics will be impacted indirectly:
The platform will bring truth (through proof) and transparency (through references) to the Cardano universe.
I have 7 years of professional experience in full-stack web development.