Last updated 3 years ago
How can blockchain technology contribute to the improvement of psychotherapy services (PS)?
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano & Psychotherapy Quality.
Mental health is deteriorating worldwide. Innovation is needed to stop this escalation, as the public do not see value on PS.
Control and solving of PS issues (e.g., iatrogenic effects, dropout rates, results hammering, improvisation).
Blockchain technology can contribute to the improvement of PS by building decentralised applications, that psychotherapists and service users can (and should) use to solve the abovementioned (among others) PS issues.
From the perspective of hard science, psychology is not a real science. New ideas and actions to mitigate public's criticism, and work on the sources of public's skepticism, are needed. Otherwise, the public may increase the seek of aid for its mental health in other sources (e.g., medication, spirituality, alternative and complementary therapies).
Major and frequent public criticisms
Potential sources of public skepticism
Professional-internal problems
Scientificity of psychology and PS still have a long path to walk. Cardano can be a pioneer in this field, by contributing to the solving of issues in PS in a decentralized, innovative, and secure way, thus helping to increase PS's quality, and, more importantly, contributing to the mitigation of global mental health deterioration.
Success metrics may involve the comparison of the current, with the yearly (after deployment of decentralized applications at Cardano blockchain), iatrogenic effects, dropout rates, quantity and quality of technical protocols, psychotherapists' burnout, public criticism and skepticism. These variables must be obtained in umbrella reviews, meta-analysis, literature reviews, and metasynthesis.
The budget encompasses a desirable initial number of five good projects, with a mean of $20,000 for each.