Last updated 3 years ago
40% of CO2 emissions are from Construction business and in Latam is one of the main CO2 polluters and will increase by countries development
This is the total amount allocated to CO2 registry for construction.
Fighting climate change looks pretty far for Latam people, allowing them to choose a greener project may help them to be part of solution
We got contract with a ERP for construction willing to measure their CO2 base line to mitigate. We can get into 500 companies in 3 countries
We will measure scope 1,2 and 3 for construction projects. We can measure energy, cement, steel among several project and report them CO2 emissions from them.
We want to give to latam people a way to understand the environmental impact of the construction projects they can buy, allowing also constructions companies take action to mitigate and handle their CO2 in a transparent and secure way, which can be share with any stakeholder and see on real time the impact of it mitigation.