Last updated 3 years ago
How can we empower Women and Non Binary People to be involved in decision making in Catalyst in the between now and July 2022
This is the total amount allocated to Empowering Women through Cardano.
Half of the population of the globe are underrepresented in Catalyst, as we develop skills, tools and processes to be used in the future.
Put her in a position to manage her education, finances, health, work. Empower her to bring her voice, opinion to develop Project Catalyst.
-Increase the participation women in the Catalyst Community
-Team's with 1/3 of their participants being Women or non Binary are welcome
-Attempt to solve issues faced by women and non binary people
-Empower, educate, and support women to decrease poverty
-Create more digitally empowered girls and young women
-Delve into challenges with childcare in the workplace
-Explore the gender pay gap
-Socially protect women from gender based violence
-Create space for women to be heard
-Increase creativity, innovation and productivity in dealing with women issues
-Explore the use of Defi, Decentralized Identity and immutability in regard to women in the next century
The benefits of Gender diversity
-A gender-diverse team is more likely to create products that meet people's requirements.Â
-When women are underrepresented, many technical decisions are made based on a man's experiences, opinions, and judgment, resulting in a male-slanted bias.Â
-Gender-diverse groups are efficient, productive, creative, and more capable of staying on track than homogenous teams.Â
-The lack of participation of women in computing excludes them from the "new blockchain economy," which calls for sophisticated computer skills in exchange for high salary positions.
-There is missed potential when a workforce is not diverse. Having a diverse team in culture, gender, and race allows for more creativity, innovation, and productivity.
(book) Gender and Computers: Understanding the Digital Divide by Joel Cooper
(article) "Diversity in Computing: Why It Matters and How Organizations Can Achieve It, " by Wendy DuBowÂ
(study) "Innovative Potential: Men and Women in Teams," by The Lehman Brothers Centre for Women in Business and the London Business School