Last updated 3 years ago
Catalyst triggered hundreds of projects, many running in silo-mode, leading to substantial redundancies and lack of shared learning.
This is the total amount allocated to Enabling Micro-Summits in 2022.
Small, highly dedicated, inter-disciplinary Micro-Summits can be an effective and efficient solution for boosting our joint learning curve.
Optimization of ROI, avoiding redundancies and accelerating joint, inter-disciplinary learning
Catalyst triggered hundreds of projects, many of them still running in a kind of silo-mode. This leads to substantial redundancies and lack of shared learning. The problems many projects are confronted with are most often not just technical, but go deeply into regulatory topics and topics of smart collaboration, application of the right (existing or upcoming) tools, conventions and templates as well as implementing feasible, matching and future-proof business models.
As also recently voiced by Charles Hoskinson, small, highly dedicated, inter-disciplinary Micro-Summits can be an effective and efficient solution for boosting our joint learning curve. This Challenge Setting aims to provide the funding-frame for such Micro-Summits during 2022
Proposers can be individuals, initiatives and organizations who see a break-through opportunity in suggesting and organizing a specific Micro-Summit. IOHK will need to be highly engaged here as a partner in shaping this challenge setting in detail, so that the outcome of such Micro-Summits is both effective and efficient.Â
Due to the very high importance and the quick-win-potential, the suggested monetary frame for this challenge-setting is put to USD 1 million, thus allowing us to go for 12 to 24 Micro-Summits (depending on size of the events), covering actual costs for travelling & accommodation and time of carefully selected participants, invitation of domain experts and expenses for attractive but cost-conscious venues all around the world.
This needs to be done with high priority in 2022, since many breakthroughs and substantial cost-savings are linked to this.