Last updated 3 years ago
How can we grow the Cardano ecosystem in Latin America?
How we can empower Latam's people to impact the region and the world?
This is the total amount allocated to Grow Latin America, Grow Cardano.
Mass adoption requires a global view. Initiatives that focus on emerging economies such as Latin America are key to exponential engagement.
A wide spectrum of people from Latin America or with connections to Latin America coming together and forming teams to grow our ecosystem.
Latin America embraced a dedicated challenge in Fund 7 with great success, having received 84 proposals for nearly USD2.4M requested funds (#3 in Ranking after Dapps and Integrations and the Miscellaneous Challenge). After this first challenge was confirmed, many ideas and debates took place and what is more important, the participation and connection of many people from all over the world that agrees on the importance this region has to Cardano's growth.
We learnt, improved and grew a lot. However, growth is a continuous process and this challenge is to keep us united towards our goal: increase the adoption of Cardano in Latin America while giving equal opportunities and inclusion to its people.
As part of the impact this Challenge already generated, is the creation of the Catalyst LATAM community where many Latin Americans are now gathering, lowering the language barriers and start co-creating our own future thru collaboration.
Latin America is a fertile region for mass adoption and create value based on Cardano. It has talented and passionate people that with the proper tools and opportunities can create its own paths and ways to succeed; failure is an option but not a surrender. What latinos only need, is someone to hold theirs back. That's when Cardano Community and Project Catalyst came into action.
This challenge is to keep Cardano growing in Latin America, to allow more people to join that wonderful community, and to give a second chance to those that tried but their current living and economic conditions constraints their possibilities to flourish.
We have an existing Challenge Team that is willing to continue the effort to drive this challenge:
Rodolfo Miranda (Argentina), Sebastian Pabon (Colombia), Gustavo Pugliese (Brazil) and Alex Pestchanker (Argentina)
As a quick onboarding to the Challenge and how to create great proposals for it, we recorded the following video out of a Challenge presentation meetup we did for F7.