Last updated 3 years ago
How can NGOs in Africa receive funding from Cardano for income generating development projects to transform more lives?
This is the total amount allocated to Grow NGOs, Grow Cardano.
NGOs in Africa can promote Cardano to be adopted by many. More will be engaged in Cardano and Cardano's mission will be a reality.
1. More Africans engaged in Cardano, adopted by governments
2. Cardano becomes the best crypto
3. More projects physically changing lives
1. Number of African countries engaged
2. Number of NGOs involved
3. Number of proposals from NGOs for important income generating projects
4. Number of communities impacted
5. Extent of blockchain education
Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have become key actors in responding to poverty and related suffering in Africa. NGOs play a leading role in providing healthcare and education. The non-profit sector continues to grow rapidly in Africa and around the world.
NGOs exist for a variety of purposes, usually to further the political or social goals of their members. Examples include improving the state of the natural environment, encouraging the observance of human rights, improving the welfare of the disadvantaged, or representing a corporate agenda. They can work to promote social or political change on a broader scale or very locally.Â
NGOs play a critical part in developing society , improving communities, and promoting citizen participation.
The Cardano NGO support for Africa is mainly for income generating activities such as manufacturing of raw materials to add value and then provide employment for many. Also for mechanized agriculture to attract more young people into Agriculture and other sectors of economic development.
Accountability and reports on performance will be expected from NGOs that get funded.
Requested Fund : $250,000