Last updated 3 years ago
How might we make it faster and easier for new Catalyst members to take on suitable roles and responsibilities in 2022?
This is the total amount allocated to New Member Onboarding.
The success of Catalyst depends on the availability of quality challenge teams, proposers, advisors, mentors and voters.
A well-oiled open innovation platform where people fulfill roles that are meaningful for them and that contribute to shared success.
The metrics can be divided to two sections. General onboarding refers to bringing people in and converting them from mere lurkers to voters and potential proposers. Innovation process metrics refer to the quantity and quality of proposals and activity around them.
General onboarding:
- Weekly sign ups to Cardano IdeascaleÂ
- Townhall attendance
- Catalyst School session attendance
- Swarm session attendance
- Applications to leadership positions (e.g. Circle)
Innovation process:
- Number of referrers
- Reduction in the number of unready proposals
- Growtn in the number of 4-5 star proposals
- Growth in the number of Community Advisors and Veteran Community Advisors
- Percentage of proposals with Excellent assessments
- Growth in the number of votersÂ
- Growth in total number of votes given
The growth of Project Catalyst depends on meaningful participation from proposers, advisors, mentors and voters who are both eager and capable to fulfill their roles and understand their responsibilities.
Guiding questions