Last updated 3 years ago
How do we encourage Local Community Hubs to drive adoption and awareness of Cardano in 2022?
This is the total amount allocated to Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs.
Without users on the ground level, we are building niche products serving mostly technical people with blockchain expertise.
Local Community Hubs across the world where the average person can take part in their own language and with their own cultural understanding
Challenge Updates
Top 3 Challenge Category in Fund 7 by number of submissions (see attached).
2x Funded Challenge Setting Proposal (Fund 5 and Fund 6)
A selection of past-funded 'Scale-Up Hubs':
What this means:
How is the Fund 8 challenge different?
While the growing demand is showing us that the need is there, our focus for the next challenge should be on the other side of the coin. Capital supply.
While the facts have proven the necessity of a Community Hubs challenge, there are many other equally as important challenges vying for a position in Fund 8, so we must act accordingly. We must make budget requests that allow others to also pursue their goals within the ecosystem, both macro, for Catalyst and micro, within the Challenges themselves.
While we are Scaling UP community hubs, we need to Scale DOWN individual capital outlay, to ensure that we can spread as far as possible, as quickly as possible, which is why we work from first principles.
When we approach hubs from the lens of information-delivery nodes, we can build a hub taxonomy within a need-impact matrix and then find the most capital efficient model for each location.
In simpler terms, consider why a hub exists, in the context of it's location, access to infrastructure and community readiness. Then design a hub according to those factors, with a traditional brick-and-mortar (CTH) being only one out of many potential information-delivery systems within a local community.
This round will focus much more on 'minimum-viable hubs' (MVHs), what is the smallest effective unit for a hub, and by identifying this unit, can we begin to scale CCHs more rapidly.
Additional Success Metrics:
Ratings by CAs and Voters should favour:
Let's build an ecosystem that is truly global, allowing everyone to participate to the best of their ability, whatever level they are starting from.
When you drive adoption at the ground level, you are doing more than just 'building cool products', you are empowering people to change their lives in ways they could have never imagined by themselves.
Extra reading (where we are going):
Past-funded challenges: