Last updated 3 years ago
Is it necessary to have a unique challenge for projects targeting "differently abled individuals" and to make donations?
This is the total amount allocated to Special CARDANO and Donations.
Donating is an incredible act and reflects CARDANO's values and we must think about people who require special treatment
donations from the community in the form of practical projects for the underdeveloped world and projects for "differently abled individuals"
An evaluation of the participation of the community will be made:
1) the number of proposals submitted in this future challenge
2) the number of comments made by the community
3) the number of votes that the proposals of this fund will obtain
An evaluation will be made of the quality of the proposals:
4) the results of the rating of the community advisers to said proposals
5) the evidences of the collective construction of the proposals
6) there will be an evaluation of the management in the execution of the proposals
An evaluation of the social impact of the proposals will be made:
7) the cost / benefit ratio of the proposals
8) the positive impact on the target population of the proposals will be measured
9) the positive image of CARDANO and its community in the target populations of the proposals
10) the general results of all the approved proposals will be evaluated after their execution
An evaluation will be made of the use of the budget requested and granted:
11) Due diligence in verifying budget utilization
This idea of a new challenge was proposed to the community so that they could build it collectively and help create the specific solution to the problem described and after said participation stage the result is the following:
In this new challenge, two kinds of projects can be presented:
1) donating to the underdeveloped world in the form of practical projects will transform many lives for better future: which means that any person, team, company or institution can present and carry out practical projects and donate them, for which they will request a budget.
**2)**Projects can be submitted to help "differently abled individuals" and obtain "Financing decentralized entrepreneurship beyond barriers"
a) What problems should projects in this category be solving?
In this new challenge we must try to solve all and any type of problems that people with "differently abled individuals have
b) Are you going to be funding proposers who have experienced / are experiencing the challenges you listed?
Anyone who wants to contribute to people with "differently abled" can do it and of course if you are part of the "differently abled individuals" you can also do it
All projects will undergo the respective evaluation according to the key metrics to be measured. However, if a project is presented by "differently abled individuals", it must be determined what kind of support the proponent needs or already has, the project will have priority and we must all help to generate good communication and special treatment and the community should get activated to provide additional support.
What type of projects would be able to apply here? Or is it aimed towards certain groups to apply for this?
In this new challenge, any person, team, company or institution that wants to contribute to help people with "differently abled" or make donations in the form of practical projects to help make the world a better place can submit proposals.
This project contains the following ONU sustainable development goals: Well-being, Health and Reduction of Inequalities
The requested budget (400,000 usd) is only 3% of the money available for Fund 8 and will be to finance the proposals that are presented and approved by the community in this future challenge. We consider that the budget requested is low compared to the importance and positive impact that this new challenge can have on the people who need it most thanks to the CARDANO community
People who want to contribute and be part of the team proposing this challenge can say so and will be included in the team, they can find me on telegram: @colbia
You can also include yourself in the telegram group, the group can find it through the following link:
This new challenge is presented by a team that participates in Project Catalyst from Fund4 and Fund5 where we presented projects and the team leader was a community advisor at Fund6. The team members are: A Master's Degree Lawyer, A computer security specialist programmer, A NFT digital artist. And we have been close to patients with psychiatric treatment and schizophrenia