Last updated 3 years ago
How can Catalyst increase the overall participation of women in the Cardano ecosystem?
This is the total amount allocated to Women of Cardano Involvement.
Project Catalyst is an open and inclusive space and the community must provide "spaces" for inclusion.
Number of female-centric teams, challenges, groups, proposals.
Number of female-centric teams, challenges, groups, proposals.
Initiation Phase:
1. Identify the various verticals that women can contribute to in Cardano, for example:
i) Technical
ii) Marketing
iii) Finance & Accounting
iv) Legal
v) Research
vi) Design & Art, any other
2. Ask people to volunteer to be PoC (Point of Contact) for each of these verticals and create individual channels for each vertical (We already have a few women from our ""Ladies of Cardano"" group who can be PoC)
3. Spread awareness through Cardano Forum/Twitter/CF funded YouTube channels/Cardano website/Ambassadors to ask women to join the vertical of their interest"
Goal Setting:
1. Let Cardano Foundation and PoCs brainstorm and finalise their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Examples of KPIs for CF:
i) Ensure minimum xx women are involved per month/year in CF
Examples of KPIs for PoCs:
i) Ensure minimum xx women join their channel per month
ii) Ensure xx% increase in no. of women operating stake pool
2. CF to provide with an official platform and tools for PoCs to help reach the goals
3. Ask PoCs the motivation factors to work towards this goal"
Measure Success:
1. Have regular connects with each PoC to understand the progress against the previously set KPIs, discuss challenges, etc.
2. Come up with some fun initiatives like Each one (man) Teach one (woman) outside of Cardano ecosystem
3. Everyone in Cardano ecosystem to market such initiatives to make it reach masses
Spread the word:
1. Share success stories of women who joined Cardano recently and what they have achieved so far
2. Such stories to be shared on Cardano Forum/all CF funded YouTube channels, CF website, through Cardano ambassadors, Twitter, etc."
See Original Roadmap and everything in this proposal has been co-pie3d from the roadmap and all credit is owed to those that created it and those that will carry it into the future.