Last updated a year ago
100+ million poker players are playing on centralised Poker-platforms which are holding their money and are charging high fees
Create a decentralised poker-platform where players can play for cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets with minimum fees
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano After Dark - Hold'em poker.
Create a decentralised poker-platform where players can play for cryptocurrencies directly from their wallets with minimum fees
UI/UX, Plutus, Project-management, Software Development, DevOps, Cardano Architecture & Design Developer Professional student at Emurgo
What is it all about?
Building an Online Poker Dapp will give Poker-players a decentralised alternative to play on the Cardano Network. In addition, this would be a creative experiment in terms of implementing real-world solutions tackling common DeFi problems with a different approach. For instance:
Our aim is to build a real-world Poker Dapp, that can tackle the above problems.
While there are other Poker-projects out there we are going to implement our solution with regards to the IOG (Former IOHK) co-sponsored Paper [1]"Kaleidoscope" to the paper [2]"Royale"* as well as [3]"21 - Bringing down the Complexity"*
This will not just get IOGs papers in a real Environment but will also bring lower cost to Pokerplayers and raise awareness for Cardano within the gaming-community. Our implementation will be open source and well documented which means it can be reused and built upon by everyone in the Cardano eco-system. In addition our hope is to benefit from an ecosystem, filled with professionals in mathematics, game theory and exploitation.
Poker could be just the beginning, creating a poker-platform based on these papers we keep other card-games in mind for easier integration in further iterations while others could use our model to build their own card-games or find other usecases in other Cardano-markets for this model!
Within the context of this proposal we will create Testnet-player-NFTs to incentivize and have an immutable record of their participation and who knows what else we can bring to the community once we have a plattform to implement these, Avatar-NFTs, open-source-contributers, DIDs.
How does success look like?
A proof of concept/MVP on the Cardano Testnet
Users who own ADA can play the game using real tokens
rules should be applied correctly (e.g. a user leaving midgame loses part of his stake)
Responsible game actions shall be applied (e.g. prevent addictive behaviors, by alerting or incentivising game-stops)
A mechanism for social compensation shall be applied.
The Plan: Roadmap and Milestones
While working in a Lean and Iterative Methodologie, we think these Milestones can be met.
First three months:
Implement part of the smart contract, including the below bullet points
Extensive documentation on what we do and on the process.
Part of analytic documentation incl. flowchart, algorithm, contract.
first six months:
go from development to public testnet
publish articles about what we do
open source the project
MVP finished
ready for auditing
Budget Breakdown
Success metrics
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
UI/UX, Plutus, Project-management, Software Development, DevOps, Cardano Architecture & Design Developer Professional student at Emurgo