Last updated 2 years ago
Unity, the game engine, lacks assets to interact with the Cardano blockchain.
Create Unity (the game engine) GameObjects assets that will allow Unity developers to easily interact with Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano games assets for Unity.
Create Unity (the game engine) GameObjects assets that will allow Unity developers to easily interact with Cardano.
We are the creators of Blockfrost, creating services and tools lowering barriers to entry for developers.
## What is is an instant, public and freely accessible API that removes infrastructure obstacles for developers so that everyone can start building (d)apps on Cardano. With, developers can start doing what they love ❤️, without the need for running and maintaining additional infrastructure and tooling themselves.
At the moment, we have more than 6,000 developers already onboarded in Blockfrost!
## What is Unity?
Unity is a tool used by a large number of game developers to create and power their creations. Unity software is powerful, extremely easy to use and widely adopted by thousands of developers.
Imagine creating characters, coins and other assets in games that are represented by NFTs. These items can be traded and sold openly with other players. Adding the assets to your linked wallet makes available in-game.
## Deliverables and roadmap
We would like to create Unity assets, that are used directly in the game development, to interact with Cardano blockchain, using Blockfrost. The game developer will just drag and drop a specific asset and build the game logic around it.
An example of a game logic could be that a specific door opens only if you own a specific NFT. The game developer will just drag and drop Cardano Blockfrost asset on top of the door and specify the action to be done. All this, without the need to run any Cardano related infrastructure.
We will also include a simple proof-of-concept game running on Cardano using NFTs.
## Performance metrics
The most important metrics for us is the number of game developers onboarded to the Cardano ecosystem.
Additionally, we will monitor the number of monthly users of these Cardano Unity assets.
We will consider this project a success, if we onboard at least 100 new game developers to Cardano and that the number of monthly users will have a positive trend for the period of 6 months after the initial release.
## Relevant experience
Five Binaries is an infrastructure development company. We're Cardano pioneers - with the first Cardano block minted on an aeroplane, first stake pool on the ITN and the first Shelley transaction on the mainnet.
We are the creators of We are participants in Alonzo since the Blue testnet and we are Plutus pioneers.
We are trusted by the community, with 24 proposals across several funds already granted in the past. To find out our progress on making the Cardano infrastructure better, check our Catalyst dashboard page at
We are trusted by customers such as Emurgo, Trezor or Cardano Foundation. To get in touch or find out more information about us, please visit
Unity development in our team is covered by Matej, one of our teammates.
To see his open source game portfolio, mostly from Ludum Dare (a challenge where people create a game from scratch just over the weekend), have a look at
## Budget
We estimate it will take about two months of development. The break down of the cost is an estimated guess, based on our professional experience.
* $53,200 for 320 man hours of a senior game software engineer (hourly rate $110)
* $2,600 for 43 man hours of quality assurance and testing (hourly rate $60)
* $1,200 for testing infrastructure
## License
The entire outcome of this project will be open-sourced under Apache License 2.0.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are the creators of Blockfrost, creating services and tools lowering barriers to entry for developers.