Last updated 2 years ago
Driving ADAption through Twitter beyond talking price is not usually done and it can be a great viral, amplifier.
GameChanger wallet allows interacting with Cardano via HTTP links, we propose to gamify this bot using it to try to go viral on Twitter.
This is the total amount allocated to Gamify LacedWhales Twitter bot.
GameChanger wallet allows interacting with Cardano via HTTP links, we propose to gamify this bot using it to try to go viral on Twitter.
DevOps advocate with over 15 years of experience. Ex-Emurgo DevOps Lead. Gimbalabs Co-Founder. Dandelion Founder+Operator. LacedWhales dev.
LacedWhales Twitter bot [0] is organically receiving more and more followers, and we think adding some gamification to it could greatly amplify its audience and at the same time illustrate others on how to easily gamify any other project using GameChanger; given it allows to embed wallet interactions on virtually any platform thanks to its links based dApp connector and its multi-platform (browser-based) nature.Â
We propose to do a "whale hunting" game, where participants can "shoot a whale" using a GameChanger link which will be embedded in very "laced whale" twit.
Each shoot will be represented by an CNFT that will be sent to the LacedWhales pot address for the current day, so each day it will accumulate ~1.5ADA multiplied by the number of shoots**.** At the end of every day, this pot will be split and distributed to 4 different buckets:
- 10% to the winner of the "whale hunting", the one that shot the biggest whale of the day first (no randomness added so everything is verifiable with on-chain data)
- 30% will be donated to GameChanger treasury. To make this game sustainable, we need it!
- 30% will be donated to Dandelion treasury. Same reason :)
- 30% will be distributed to the development team of this project.
In addition, to create an extra incentive for the participants, an exclusive CNFT generated by a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) using the transaction info from the LacedWhale hunted (transaction id, amount...) will be distributed to the winner every day.
Current Status / Technical Information:
Currently the bot is working, but all the GameChanger gamification and rewards distribution would need to be developed.
Given that most of the pieces of the puzzle are already out there, this should be easily accomplished in 1 month.
Key Performance Indicators for the first 3/6 months (KPIs):
- Number of total participants (different addresses shooting)
- Number of total transactions performed (shoots, rewards distribution...)
- Number of new Twitter followers/interactions
Estimated Budget:
- 1x Senior full-stack developer familiar to UTXO model (1x $3000/mo)
- $1000 to dedicate a marketing campaign (maybe promoted Twits?)
Total budget: $4000
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
DevOps advocate with over 15 years of experience. Ex-Emurgo DevOps Lead. Gimbalabs Co-Founder. Dandelion Founder+Operator. LacedWhales dev.