Last updated 3 years ago
Minors across the world lack skills and confidence to handle money responsibly.
Develop a game that uses test ADA to teach minors how to spend money responsibly.
This is the total amount allocated to Money Management Game for Minors.
Develop a game that uses test ADA to teach minors how to spend money responsibly.
Team has 10 years Unity development experience and 20 years education experience.
- Game is a virtual world, minors control an in-game avatar
- Players are given a certain amount of test ADA or native token to spend on items in game
- Financial education is taught through in-game missions/tasks involving spending choices, savings, morals and value (customized for different cultures/countries... initially Kenya and USA)
- Players are rewarded for making responsible financial decisions
- When players turn 18, they are rewarded with real ADA (Must meet some certain in-game requirements/milestones)
Team has 10 years Unity development experience and 20 years education experience.