Last updated 3 years ago
There is a need for a 101 stake pool security guide and self-auditing tools for stake pool operators and developers running Cardano nodes.
CardSec is building guides and user-friendly open-source testing tools customized for servers running Cardano nodes.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardsec đ: SPO Self-Audit Toolkit.
CardSec is building guides and user-friendly open-source testing tools customized for servers running Cardano nodes.
Fund6 funded proposers with deep understanding of Cardano Ecosystem and Infrastructure. Cyber Security and Threat Intel enthusiasts.
As we all know stake pools are being run on servers, clouds, and so on. There is currently a lack of cybersecurity awareness and not many ways to prevent sophisticated attacks like a mass attack campaign against Cardano's ecosystem. CardSec is building an open-source powerful easy to use package with penetration testing tools for security assessment along with security guides designed for servers running the Cardano nodes. We are researching all the common services where nodes are hosted and will be designing the tool accordingly.
We are creating a user-friendly easy-to-install python package for SPOs to test their systems.
CardSec aims to roll out in different phases, with each phase we will be releasing in-depth, easy-to-understand DIY articles on medium and video guides on Youtube.
Note: All the tools and guides will be based on five stages of the NIST Cyber Security framework: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover.
We will be requesting funding in batches.
Fund-6 (Funded and development ongoing)
This will harden and strengthen Cardano's stake pools, servers running nodes and prepare them to face any unforeseen disruptions. Our goal is to establish a security standard among SPOs so that delegators are aware of pools that are security conscious.
The roadmap is carefully designed in accordance with what we are trying to achieve as researching, building, and testing these scripts takes time.
Q. Is CardSec open-source?
A. Yes, it is fully open-source on our GitHub so everyone can utilize the resources and since it is open-source anyone from the community can contribute to it.
Q. Do anyone require any prior pen-testing skills to use CardSec?
A. No, CardSec is very user-friendly. All you need is basic Linux knowledge.
Fund6 funded proposers with deep understanding of Cardano Ecosystem and Infrastructure. Cyber Security and Threat Intel enthusiasts.