Last updated 2 years ago
There isn't an open source guide & materials list for a proven Raspberry Pi Cardano Node running fully off grid.
Create a simple website with a free and open source guide to building an off grid enclosure for a Raspberry Pi to run off of solar.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Source Guide: Off-Grid Pi Node.
Create a simple website with a free and open source guide to building an off grid enclosure for a Raspberry Pi to run off of solar.
I have already created a prototype enclosure and can setup a how-to website, Github, and PDF instructions for new SPO's or experienced SPO's
It's critical to have a deeper decentralization of core infrastructure (nodes) for Cardano.
There has been a lot of good work to create clear instructions for new SPOs as well as individuals who want to setup a Cardano node in a sustainable and decentralized way. The goal of this proposal is to build off of the work done by Berry Pool and Armada Alliance along with deployment instructions from Cardano & CoinCashew in deploying a node, and extend it's decentralization and sustainability by using this guide to stick it in the middle of a field, mountain, or any other remote area someone may desire.
Off Grid is possible!
With a prototype already built, (See attachments, outpost and dashboard of data) I have proven the power consumption in a real world off grid setup, (37° Lat) with lower daylight hours & cold weather. The next steps are to create and document with a video walkthrough of each step to build a v1 Outpost. This can be recorded myself with a video editor to create the final step by step videos in a Public Youtube Playlist as well as downloadable via Github.
Then I will finalize the best sourcing for the final materials list with off the shelf parts that include all networking hardware and off grid power. The outpost materials list currently is ~$750 USD with all hardware to run an enterprise grade connection & supporting data dashboards. (Ubiquiti)
All content will be uploaded to the public Github project for full transparency and auditability, but more importantly for community contributions and new versions and improvements for different regions and desired setups. Github will be used during the process with a final v1 being distributed on a static webpage with a PDF download including instructions and screenshots as well as an embedded Youtube Playlist.
Measurables (Auditability)
As defined by the challenge key metrics to measure are how many stakepools or nodes end up using this system or an improved version of it. Forking the Github along with SPO's sharing their own deployments are the ways to measure the impact of this proposal.
- Final materials list with easy cost breakdown and links for sourcing parts. (Github + Website)
- v1 Final Youtube Video playlist on how to assemble and build the off grid setup with tips and considerations for modifications.
- Website for non-github users who want easy Video resources & free PDF download.
- Track 12 months of data (Power use, rainfall, temp) exported each month from a v1 station running at 37° Lat (Github)
Timeline (Audibility)
Since the R&D on power consumption has been completed, the timeline is based on the creation of the content for this guide and final v1 Outpost deployment and initial tracking. This proposal has 5-10 hours a week of my time, so the scope is intended to be small.
Post funding timeline:
- Weeks 1 & 2: to curate the final materials list, order materials, setup domain and website.
- Weeks 2 & 3: build v1 Outpost, deploy, and record all the video content.
- Weeks 4 & 5: finalize all content, post to Youtube & Website, automate data exports
- Weeks 6 & 7: share project findings & insights via Medium & Townhall Meeting
This active portion should span no longer than 2 months (8 weeks) with a week to spare for any disruptions. Due date is April 8th 2022.
Data will be automatically dumped into Github repo each month for a full year from deployment of the Outpost. Further data exports will be revisited on request.
Costs & Use of Funds (Auditability)
Creating high quality content for the community as an open source resource I am requesting modest funds for time contributed instead of selling this as an e-book or commercialized guide. If funded this will be under an MIT License.
v1 Outpost Materials - $750
v1 Outpost Assembly / Video Recording Labor (15 hrs x2 people @25/hr each)- $750
Videos Transcribed - $100
Video Post Production (10-15hrs @ ~$45/hr) - $800
PDF Templated design - $100
Website Template (+1yr of hosting) - $450
Data automation - $250
Subtotal: $3,200
Unforeseen/Buffer: $300
Total $3,500
Proposer: Jason Toevs
- LinkedIn:
- Twitter: @JasonToevs
- Discord: ₳ussieGingersnap | DUO#1037
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
I have already created a prototype enclosure and can setup a how-to website, Github, and PDF instructions for new SPO's or experienced SPO's