A hybrid event to promote and discuss Brazilian projects related to Cardano and connect the community in Brazil.
Our team has experience in organizing mid-size events. We have a good local networking to execute and promote the event.
EveryBlock Studio (EBS) is a Brazilian blockchain startup building on Cardano. We seek to explore new ways to deliver digital products and services for decentralized communities, using blockchain technology to build more autonomous and reliable systems.
We are a self-funded startup that is not owned, managed, or directed by any company or fund. Since 2019, EBS has been developing projects seeking to understand the Cardano ecosystem and generate valuable products for the community.
In this journey, we have operated a stake pool since the early Shelley era, built a Telegram information bot for Cardano, created an educational project to explain the mechanisms of Cardano, developed a prototype of an NFT explorer for Cardano, and other projects that have not yet been published. Now we want to grow and we need Catalyst's help to fund more ambitious projects and expand our work even more!
Below you can find all our proposals for Fund7, as well as a detailed description of our team involved:
- https://catalyst.everyblock.studio/
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to attend in-person events for a long time, and the opportunity to meet new people was limited to online events. Beyond the physical events, even in the online world, there have been no significant events seeking to promote the Cardano ecosystem, particularly in Brazil. The Cardano Summit 2021, the biggest Cardano event organized this year, did not even have a local online meetup to embrace the Brazilian community, even though Google's search trend was indicating the highest interest in Cardano just two months before the event. [1]
At the same time, the Brazilian Cardano community continues to grow strongly. On Telegram, the official Portuguese Cardano group [2] already has over 4000 members, while the largest NFT group [3] has over 900 members, mostly Brazilians. Many Cardano projects have been built by (at least partially) Brazilian teams, as a notable example the CardanoWarriors that gained media attention recently. [3]
The purpose of CardanoRio2022 is to organize a hybrid event to promote the Cardano ecosystem locally and connect its users in Latin America, especially Brazilians. The idea of a hybrid event is intended to promote face-to-face networking among community members, but also to support those who are unable to attend the event physically, ensuring that the talks will be broadcast live. Since the event will be held in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, it is also a great opportunity to travel to one of the most beautiful cities in the country!
The event will be divided into two days (content to be defined). The format of the event will be based on talks from invited guests, short talks, and round table discussions. There will also be small stands to present Cardano-related products, available for groups building on Cardano.
The online event will be completely free, while the in-person event will have a small registration fee (to be defined). The registration fee is symbolic in order to discourage the participant from enrolling but not attending. At the end of the event, all the surplus money will be donated to a local charity.
Each day of the event will have the structure described below.
- OPENING- 10 min - 10 min opening session by EveryBlock Studio.
- ROUND TABLE - 50 min - A specific topic will be addressed during the round table. Three prominent members of the community with ties to the topic will be invited to participate in each round table. Each participant will be given 10 minutes to introduce themselves and their project, as well as their vision for the topic. Debate and questions on the topic will be 20 minutes long, totaling 30 minutes of presentation + 20 minutes of discussion.
- COFFEE BREAK / STANDS - 20 min - In order to promote further networking among the community, a coffee break will be served to attendees as they browse the stands, learn about projects, and interact with other users. There will be two breaks in the morning and two in the afternoon, one after the Round Table and one after the Short Talk.
- CONVERSINHA (SHORT TALK) - 60 min - Three community guests -- who have been participating in Cardano projects -- will be invited to present their projects during a short talk. Each project will be presented in 10 minutes and each participant will have 5 minutes to answer questions from the public.
- KEYNOTE - 60 min - A keynote speaker (a relevant member of the community, not necessarily Brazilian) will be invited to give a 45-minute talk + 15-minute to answer questions from the audience.
- LUNCH TIME - 80 min - Participants will have several restaurant options near the event site.
- ROUND TABLE - 50 min
- KEYNOTE - 60 min
- PRIZE DRAW - 15 min - 15 min for prize draws.
- CLOSING - 15 min - The day concludes with a few words of thanks from the organizers of the event.
- Month 1 - Set the location and date of the event; finalize the budget for the location rental; start creating the official event website; define the guestlist for the talks and round table discussion.
- Month 2 - Set the final budget and close the deal for the buffet for a coffee break and for the audio-visual team to broadcast the event; start the process of inviting guests; start publicizing the event; finalize construction of the event's official website.
- Month 3 - Set the final budget and close the deal for the gift kits and prize draws; contact event partners to donate prizes; start promoting the confirmed guests for the event and proceed with invitations; proceed with event marketing and website update.
- Month 4 - Set final budget and close the deal for stands rental for the event; open event registration for stands and Conversinha (Short Talks).
- Month 5 - Open registration for the whole community; set final budget and close the deal for uniform of event staff and for all graphic material for the event (e.g. posters, badges for identification of staff, guests and participants, etc).
- Month 6 - Confirm participant registration; host the event.
- Number of registrations: ≃ 300 people for the in-person event and ≥ 2000 people for the online event
- Number of in-person participants: ≥ 70% of participation considering the total of registered people
- Number of online participants: ≥ 35% of participation considering the total of registered people
- Number of projects presenting at the event (e.g. stand, presentation): ≥ 12 independent projects
- Number of partners for prize draws: ≥ 6 partners
- Number of tweets with the event hashtag: ≥ 10k
- Attendee geography: ≥ 40% of the participants in-person coming from outside the city (other than Rio de Janeiro)
- Event website conversion rate (total registered people / event website unique visitors) * 100): ≥ 1%
- 3 months: Event location and date set, list of speakers confirmed, website for the event finalized.
- 6 months: Event held successfully, achieving the target values defined in the KPIs.
The costs were calculated in Brazilian Real (R$) and converted to USD ($) at the exchange rate of $ 1 = R$ 5.57, rounded off to facilitate visualization.
- Airfare for invited speakers: 4 × $180 = $719
- Per diem for keynote speakers and round table guests: 16 × $108 = $1.724
Gift kit
- Notepad: 350 × $1 = $220
- Pen: 350 × $1 = $126
- Card of stickers: 2 × $8 = $16
Prize draw
- Hardware wallet: 4 × $90 = $360
- NFTs from partners: 20 × $0 = $0
- Prizes from EveryBlock Studio: 16 × $0 = $0
- Audiovisual infrastructure for event streaming: 1 × $2693 = $2693
- Event website infrastructure costs: 1 × $1796 = $1796
- Coffee break: 1 × $1796 = $1796
- Auditorium and coffee break room rental: 2 × $1078 = $2155
- Support staff per diem: 6 × $108 = $647
- Remuneration of the organizing team: 3 × $1078 = $3232
- Promotion and boosting campaigns: 1 × $719 = $719
- Stand rental: 8 × $35 = $273
- Emergency fund (unforeseen expenses): 1 × $539 = $539
- Team uniform: 20 × $7 = $126
- Legal costs: 1 × $360 = $360
Total: $17501
Lincon Vidal
- Founder & CEO EveryBlock Studio
- BSc in Biotechnology (UFRJ - Brazil)
- MSc student in Computational Modeling and Artificial Intelligence (LNCC - Brazil), working on deep learning applications
- Python developer with more than 6 years of experience, including works in genetic algorithms and machine learning during his academic career.
- Previously worked on the back-end development of third-party NFT projects (NFTsurf, CardanoBeans), having great knowledge of the technical basics and general operation of Cardano.
- For nearly 2 years now he has been working as the director of technology in an analytical chemistry company (NanoBusiness), coordinating teams and executing digital transformation projects.
- Stake Pool Operator since epoch 208, having already received IOG delegation for 3 months in the first round of delegation.
- Experience in teaching in-person having worked for over 2 years on tutoring and other educational projects involving programming education, as well as online classes and webinars on technology topics.
- Organized small events for up to 400 people during the undergraduate course (I EcoSemana do Polo Xerém, I Simpósio de Biotecnologia da UFRJ).
- Since 2020 he has been participating in local meetups and disseminating technical knowledge about Cardano in Brazil.
- Also writes and produces text and video content in Portuguese and English about Cardano, blockchain, and technology in general.
- He has already worked briefly as a photographer and has experience with audiovisual production, having produced audiovisual material for events and for companies.
Aline Cardoso
- Head of communications at EveryBlock Studio;
- Experience in organizing and acting as mediator in-person and online events (e.g. academic symposia such as Symposium of Neuropharmacology of Rio de Janeiro, interviews and debates for the Diversity Committee of the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior and for Diversity Committee of Biophysics Institute Carlos Chagas Filho - UFRJ);
- Worked with digital marketing, social media management and designer (for the Diversity Committee of the Brazilian Society of Neuroscience and Behavior and for Valejo);
- Experience teaching in free preparation courses for college admittance/booster classes for high school students from the periphery of Rio de Janeiro and for undergraduate students (some neuroscience topics) at UFRJ (in-person and online classes);
- Creator of NeuroBreak, a publication for scientific dissemination about neuroscience and human behavior at Medium;
- MSc student in Neuroscience/Physiology (emphasis on human behavior and neurobiology of emotions) (UFRJ - Brazil);
- BSc in Biophysics (emphasis on psychophysiology and psychopharmacology) (UFRJ - Brazil).
Thulany Christiny
- Designer at EveryBlock Studio;
- BSc in Design (UERJ - Brazil);
- Experience in creating educational graphic material about Blockchain and Cardano (Infoblock project);
- Already worked as a graphic designer in the media team for e-sports athletics and ESDI's Design Business Incubator;
- Worked in several UX/UI projects at Ably Design, a studio specializing in design for digital products;
- Interest in graphic design, communication and layout.