Last updated 2 years ago
Teachers are not supported to be actively involved in their professional development; students don't have access to an innovative curriculum
A decentralized platform based on Catalyst model, where teachers actively produce their own content and bring innovation to their students
This is the total amount allocated to Decentralized Education - dTeach.
A decentralized platform based on Catalyst model, where teachers actively produce their own content and bring innovation to their students
Team of educational content authors with solid academic background and professional experience in the field of edu. project management
Enlace para versión en Español abajo
Link para versão em Português abaixo.
Further explanation:
Online educational resources and teaching materials are a great support for teachers looking to innovate and bring new content to their students. However, there is still much to advance regarding teacher professional development, especially when it comes to providing Open Educational Resources (UNESCO, 2019) that value teachers' autonomy. We need to create learning opportunities where contemporary research on education is considered and reaches the classroom by making use of collaborative perspectives instead of top-down and homogenizing programs.
Although there is a myriad of online educational resources being made by EdTechs in Latin America, they tend to tell teachers what to do, without knowing what the school looks like. Large publishing companies and EdTechs concentrate funding for educational content production, while they do not necessarily deliver appropriate solutions to the challenges of our teacher's time (Ball, Junemann & Santori, 2017). There is a gap between these corporations and the classroom, not to mention the lack of expertise from their content creators. Much of the content is being delivered without quality checking and being distributed in prescriptive and homogenizing perspectives to the teachers. On the other side, good educational researchers and educational practitioners don't have the funding to build and share authentic content on which they are experts.
Therefore, based on the works of Paulo Freire and the Pedagogy of the Authonomy, we advocate for a process where teachers and students are not seen as passive consumers. As it is well known, a teacher's continued education is key to the student's success and for a better involvement as an educator. More than just attending online courses indistinctly to accumulate certificates, nowadays, teachers also need content that supports them in the development of contemporary themes with criticality and literacy (Freire, 2018; Freire, 2021).
Further explanation:
Our educational content will not tell teachers what to do, but rather help them to analyze the reality in which they are immersed, to appropriate ideas using criticality, and to find their paths towards educational innovation.
By high-quality content, we mean that we will bring enough depth and clarity to explain complex subjects without falling into naïve, misconceived, or obvious explanations. We expect to raise questions and deconstruct rigid misconceptions. All the content will be produced collaboratively with experts in each field, experts on what are the demands in a classroom (the teachers, for instance), and will be research-based. A large pool of collaborators will contribute to different stages of educational content production.
Our solution helps not only independent teachers to produce and share content, but helps also independent researchers in the universities. We will connect scientific research and school practice.
Target group: teachers, researchers, educational practitioners, and students (basic education).
Further benefits and impact from our solutions:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals: 4.4 - 4.6 - 4.7 and 4.c. Detailed link: (Google Docs)
This platform has two phases before it reaches full capacity. We are requesting funding for the first phase and will request funding for the second phase when we complete the requirements to evolve the project in a sustainable and robust manner.
Phase 1:
We will create a small pool of teachers, researchers on education, and instructional designers. This pool of contributors will create the initial content to feed the platform and make it relevant to other teachers.
A limited number of educational resources will be produced collaboratively and according to each contributor's expertise. Teachers, researchers, and educational practitioners are collaborators and will get paid for their collaborations. We detail which resources will be produced in the section below (PRODUCT).
Tokenomics is done manually without a smart contract and using ADA wallets. We want first to investigate what are the conditions and challenges to run the smart contract on a blockchain without issues. We want to investigate what can be executed in a smart contract and what cannot. To learn from the mistakes before moving forward.
Phase 2:
*** This proposal refers only to phase 1. We are including phase 2 here just to give a dimension of the project in the long-term***
In phase 2, we will invest energy and resources in the technical aspects that can be done in a blockchain, investigate what can be done through the use of smart contracts. We expect to partner with projects that are already dealing with the same issues. Therefore, any kind of cooperation is more than welcome.
We will transform the educational resources into NFTs for noncommercial use and facilitate their distribution on other platforms as well.
We will work to make the project run pretty much like the Catalyst project: every contribution that improves the system (in this case, educational resources) is rewarded. Either reviewing, expanding, or assessing. We will establish a larger pool of contributors and expand to entire Latin America.
To feed the project financially in the long term, we will seek partners interested in decentralizing education and having blockchain applications beyond financial markets.
Phase 1: we will concentrate on digital educational resources for school and curriculum innovation.
Below there's a list of resources that will be created. And here's one example of a similar educational resource that we have done already:
(Portuguese version is complete, English is being concluded. Spanish will be released in February)
List of educational resources to be produced by the community of teachers and researchers in phase 1:
You can find a detailed explanation of each educational content in this link: (Google Docs)
These topics were chosen because they are part of the new Brazilian National Curriculum Reform (BRASIL, 2018). Many of our teachers have not been prepared to work on these topics in the classroom because they come from an outdated background. Therefore, there's a big demand to learn how to use these topics and projects with students in Brazil.
After phase 2 of the project, products will be expanded to: Courses; Guides; Videos; Texts; Books; Lesson plans; Classroom activities; School projects; Textbooks; and any other media that can be accessed and remixed by other teachers.
Gustavo Pugliese [Proposal co-author and executive coordination in phase 1]
Beatriz Calil [Proposal co-author and executive coordination in phase 1]
Badin Borde [Proposal co-author]
A community of content producers, editors, instructional designers, assessors, and teachers collaborating to improve their own practices.
The first cohort of educational resources will be available to all teachers in Brazil.
The quality of the content will match our principles.
Positive impact in the community of teachers involved in the production and distribution of the resources.
To gain visibility in the educational media and among teachers from different parts of Brazil.
We will achieve funding to evolve to Phase 2 and to continue the production of open educational resources.
To evolve as a platform with open and high-quality content for educators in Spanish and Portuguese.
To be positioned as a platform that reaches teachers who are looking for ways to innovate, learn and teach contemporary themes, but have limited offers for professional development.
To have a full operating system in which the payments are made on the Cardano blockchain through automatization of smart contracts, and the digital educational resources are converted into NFTs. This system will work through decentralized governance, pretty much like Catalyst (but with a focus on open educational resources).
In months
1st: We establish the pool of collaborators (teachers, researchers, editors, assessors, and designers), align and start the production of educational resources.
2nd: Follow up the production of each resource with weekly meetings. (Coordination, authors, and designers)
3rd: We have the first version of the 11 educational resources and run the community assessment (teachers create, different teachers assess). Partial payments are made here.
4th: We return resources to authors and designers, so they can make improvements based on the assessment stage.
5th: Authors conclude final adjustments, designers as well and they start loading the platform.
6th: We release the platform and work on the communication and dissemination. We will be actively engaged in our network of teachers and educational media to expand our audience. Final payments are made here
We will provide public information about each step on our website. Every step (ADA transfers, deliveries, assessment, deadline, and progress) will be presented using a dashboard made with Google Data Studio.
Beyond that, every resource will be released under an open-source license (for non-commercial use) and can be accessed by anyone.
$1500,00 allocated to each educational resource. Description:
$800.00 – Content elaboration (teachers and researchers)
$200.00 – Editing (Editors)
$100.00 – Assessment (Like the CA's role in Catalyst)
$400.00 – Instructional design (Web designers)
11 Educational resources x $1500,00 = $16.500,00
Communication kits:
Human resources:
Executive coordination
25 hours/week during 6 months = 600 hours. Tasks: Implementation and executive coordination of the educational resources production; communication activities; dashboard updates; and website elaboration. $20,00/hour x 600 hours = $12.000,00
Total budget required: $29.000,00 USD ($16.500,00 + $500,00 + $12.000,00)
Tradución libre en ESPAÑOL hecha en DeepL:
Tradução livre para o PORTUGUÊS feita com o tradutor DeepL:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Team of educational content authors with solid academic background and professional experience in the field of edu. project management