Last updated a year ago
Lack of knowledge of DeFi is an impediment for Latin Americans to invest in this market, on the other hand, the crypto adoption is growing.
Development of a practical course on DeFI in Portuguese, consisting of video lessons on Youtube, gitbook and community support on Discord.
This is the total amount allocated to DeFi School - Latin America.
Development of a practical course on DeFI in Portuguese, consisting of video lessons on Youtube, gitbook and community support on Discord.
DeFi Specialist; Educators; Content Creators; Community Manager; SPO; Developer for over 10 years, with experience C++, Java, C#, Python...
Problem Description
In developing countries, as those in Latin America and Africa, fiat currencies are weak and represent a loss of the population's purchasing power, as the monetary policy of Local Governments isn't able to contain inflation.
In this scenario, Latin Americans want not only to invest in cryptocurrencies, but also to use them on a daily basis and explore all forms of profitability, such as obtaining loans and earning interest on their savings, that is, through decentralized finance.
However, DeFi's content is predominantly in English, which creates an impediment and an insecurity for those who do not speak that language to expose themselves to this market.
A survey carried out by the British Council in 2013, in partnership with the Data Popular Research Institute, found that only 5% of the Brazilian population speaks English - and only 1% of these people are fluent.
Solution Description
The proposed course will cover everything from blockchain basics, going through the fundamentals of decentralized finance to the practical use of the main DeFi protocols in the Cardano ecosystem.
It will be produced in Portuguese, which is the official language of Brazil, a country that has about 50% of the South American population. However, support will be offered to Spanish-speaking brothers for translation.
In addition to the classes on Youtube, the content will be made available in text in gitbook format on the project's website.
Discord will be used as the main interaction tool, where meetings will also take place to consolidate content and clarify doubts after each class.
- Contents to be covered (initial plan):
I. Module 1 - Course Introduction (10h)
1. About the Course (3h)
1.1 Presentation
1.2 Tutors and Moderators
1.3 Syllabus
1.4 Tools Used (Site, Youtube, Discord, Yoroi)
----- 1.4.1 Learning to use Discord
----- 1.4.2 Learning to use Yoroi Extension (Installation, Wallet Creation, Basic Usage)
2. Blockchain - Basic Concepts (3h)
2.1 What is blockchain?
2.2 What is Web 3.0?
2.3 Consensus Protocols: Proof of Work vs. Proof of Stake
2.4 Basic Encryption Concepts: Private Key, Public Key and Wallet Recovery Words
2.5 Currency x Tokens
2.6 What is Cardano?
2.7 Ouroboros Protocol and Native Stake
2.8 Era Goguen + Era Basho
2.9 Blockchain: Costs and fees
3. DeFI (Decentralized Finance) - Basic Concepts (4h)
3.1 What is DeFi?
3.2 Ways to Invest in this Market
----- 3.2.1 Buy tokens (CEX, IDO, ISO or ISPO, Swap)
----- 3.2.2 Provide Liquidity
3.3 DeFi Protocols (Definition and Examples)
----- 3.3.1 StableCoin
----- 3.3.2 DEX
----- 3.3.3 Lending & Barrowing
----- 3.3.4 Yield Aggregator
----- 3.3.5 Launchpad
----- 3.3.6 NFT/Gaming
----- 3.3.7 Oracle
----- 3.3.8 Wallet
II. Module 2 - Using DeFi in Practice - Cardano Blockchain (10h)
1. SundaeSwap
- Swap
- Provide liquidity (for example: ADA/SUN, ADA/dJED, ADA/dUSD)
2 ErgoDEX
- Swap with Price Order
- Atomic Swap Cardano-Ergo
- Provide Liquidity (for example: ADA/ERG, ADA/SigUSD, ERG/SigUSD)
3 deFire
- Swap with the "best price"
- Provide liquidity
4 Ardana
- "Mint" dUSD (Providing Liquidity and Collateralization)
- Liquidation
5 Liquid Finance
- Loans and Collateralization
6 Indigo Protocol
- "Mint" Synthetic Assets
7 VyFi
- NFTs Stake
8 Cardano Warriors
- Play-To-Earn
9 Lil Goats
- Play-To-Earn
* The choice of these protocols reflects the community's level of expectation and the choice of an asset for each category. But, this list can change.
II. Module 3 - Yield Hacking (5h)
- About how to explore the different protocols simultaneously in search of greater profitability.
Deadline: 6 months.
Phase 1: Module 1 Production (30 days after Funding)
Phase 2: Module 2 & 3 Production (After Module 1 Production done and DeFi protocols launch)
4 Content Creator
1 Youtube and Discord Moderator
Technical Expertise
Maria Carmo 369 - Educator, Stake Pool Operator, Co-founder of Lovelace Academy, Cardano Evangelist, Community Manager, Content Creator;
Samuel Luiz - DeFi specialist; Graduated in Law at Estácio University, Civil Servant, educator at Canal Leigo and presenter of Rodada Financeira Youtube Channel;
Bosco Cardosco - over 5 years on blockchain; high skills on public management, community manager, content creator, translator ENG/PT;
Ático Mismana - Software Development Technician (SENAI CIMATEC / Brazil) and Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Science and Technology (UFBA / Brazil), has been a software developer since 2009, having worked with the programming languages: Delphi, Java, Python, JavaScript, C # .NET and C ++, he is currently a programmer in innovation projects in the robotics area and is an operator of the Cardanistas stake pool.
Long term plan
We will continue to provide ongoing community support through Discord and the Video Comment Box, driving Defi's market share and adoption of the Cardano blockchain.
- DeFi protocols take several months to launch;
- Cardano has scalability issues.
Total: $16,895.90 (2,668.95 + 3,600 + 7,875 + 2,751.95)
1. Management
.io Domain Registration = $28.95
Video Editing Software: $240
Moderation on Discord: $200/month * 6 month = $1200
Marketing: $200/month * 6 month = $1200
Sub-Total: $2668.95
2. Operating Cost of Production
2.1 Hours dedicated to technical training, bibliographic research, meetings, brainstorming and meetings with the public:
Sub-Total: $3600
2.2 Hour of work:
- We estimate that for each hour of content, 7 hours of production will be needed:
1h of content preparation;
1h for writing tutorial in text on gitbook;
2h for recording;
2h for editing;
1h for review and publication;
- We propose the value of the working hour: $45
Sub-Total: $7875 [ $45 * (25h * 7h) ]
2.3 Additional Production Costs (infrastructure for recording):
Sub-Total: $2751.95
* Phase 1 activities of the Roadmap performed: Module 1 (1 months);
* Phase 2 activities of the Roadmap performed: Module 2 & 3 (6 months);
All material produced (documentation and GitHub source codes) is open source under the MIT license.
* 10,000 graduates in the first 6 months, upon approval above 70% in the course's Assessment Quiz;
* 20 thousand graduates in the first 12 months, upon approval above 70% in the course's Assessment Quiz;
* See monthly increase in demand and use of DeFi and Cardano blockchain through quantitative and qualitative surveys with course participants.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
DeFi Specialist; Educators; Content Creators; Community Manager; SPO; Developer for over 10 years, with experience C++, Java, C#, Python...