Last updated 3 years ago
The lack of a single, easily auditable platform where people can curate, present or vote on popular initiatives.
Develop a platform with the benefits of the Cardano blockchain where citizens could submit proposals, vote or curate.
This is the total amount allocated to đ° dVote - LATAM đ° AtalaPRISM.
Develop a platform with the benefits of the Cardano blockchain where citizens could submit proposals, vote or curate.
Blockchain revolution, educator, content creator, stake pool operator, community manager, high experience working with public.
We came to the occasion where we can not ever again believe the politicians will do the change for us. The power is on the hand of the people and that's what crypto revolution bring to us. We as the people would like to advance with the Laws that we already have with our legislation as the Latin America countries, we want to give to the people a platform where they can vote, cooperate and grow organically as local community, with that we hope to archive the goal to incentive people to change their local community using the laws they already have bringing them to blockchain, this project is a prototype that compliance with local laws of Latin American countries. We believe that with Cardano we can upgrade the system itself.
đ°Â The Federal Constitution of Brazil of 1988 guaranteed several rights to citizens. Among them is the Popular Initiatives, a mechanism that is not known by many people, since then only 4 projects have become national laws:
1. Law 8930/1994: the Daniella Perez case
Originally, the Heinous Crimes Law (8,072 of 1990), which deals with more serious crimes, did not include the crime of aggravated homicide, one in which, in addition to the intention to kill, there was some factor that made the even more serious crime (futile or base motive, cruel means, cover-up of another crime and difficult defense).
2. Law 9840/1999: combating vote buying
This popular initiative project began with the launch of the Project "Combating electoral corruption", by the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace (CBJP), part of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops, in February 1997. The objective of the commission was to curb the crime of buying votes, a crime that was still widely practiced throughout the country, through the removal of the sentence of the convict and payment of a fine.
3. Law 11.124/2005: National Social Interest Housing Fund
The bill that gave rise to this law was presented to the Federal Chamber by the Popular Movement for Housing, with more than 1 million signatures, in 1992. Between 1997 and 2001, it was unanimously approved by all of the Chamber's committees. However, it still waited until 2005 to be sanctioned.
With this law, a system of access for the population with lower income to urbanized land was created, seeking to provide an answer to the country's housing deficit (about 7 million homes are currently lacking). For this, a fund was created, which can be accessed by the three levels of government (federal, state and municipal).
4. Complementary Law 135/2010: the Clean Record Law
The most recent law created by popular initiative, the Clean Sheet Law was also an initiative of the Movement to Combat Electoral Corruption (MCCE), the same one that managed to apply impeachment and fine for the crime of buying votes.
This law makes ineligible for elected office persons who in the past have committed a crime of an electoral nature or any other offense related to their mandate. Thus, a simple system is created: anyone who has no past conviction or is suspected of having committed a crime or infraction, is "clean record". Otherwise, the person is considered a "dirty record" and cannot participate in elections for the next eight years.
In 33 years, only 4 laws were created by the people, of the four projects that originated from the popular initiative, three of them touch on points of strong popular appeal: corruption and penalties for heinous crimes. Two projects dealt with issues related to corruption, a topic that comes to the minds of most Brazilians when it comes to politics. This demonstrates that there is a special concern of the population with the honesty of public agents, great enough to mobilize the Legislative Power.
Another project dealt with a very important criminal matter and was even supported by a tragic episode, which caused a national commotion, in addition to the initiative of a person known by the public, GlĂłria Perez. Finally, of the four projects, it can be said that the most peculiar is the one that created the National Social Interest Housing Fund, which had popular interest in trying to solve the housing problem in the country. It was also the project that took the longest to be approved (14 years in all).
Finally, the most recent project "Ficha Limpa" was brought to the House through a popular initiative and had to be adopted by a deputy because the Chamber did not recognize electronic signatures, today this would already be possible through Decree No. 10,543, of 11/13 /2020.
The only platform the government has for Popular Initiatives does not allow you to browse through the ideas already proposed, it does not allow you to curate or simply electronically sign other proposals, it only allows you to submit proposals.
Platform link:
For a Popular Initiative Bill to be accepted by the Chamber and processed, it needs to follow some rules, such as:
- Have the signature of at least 1% of the Brazilian electorate;
- Have the support of at least 0.3% of voters from at least 5 states;
- Be referring to only one subject.
đ°Â The idea of ââthe platform is that citizens can enjoy the benefits that AtalaPRISM offers to the use of identity services, traditional centralized digital identity systems present several risks, such as identity theft, data breach, data collection and fragmentation. Atala PRISM overcomes these issues by giving more control to individuals and institutions, rather than relying on a single entity. Decentralized identity allows for a more reliable, secure and private way with the most advanced encryption features that the blockchain offers when sharing personal information. This project is a prototype could be adapted to other Latin Americans countries that uses Popular Initiatives.
-> How can I find out if personal data and identification are secure with Atala PRISM? All personal information is stored securely and privately on the citizen's smartphone or smartcard. Leveraging blockchain technology, Atala PRISM ensures transactions are carried out securely, peer-to-peer (P2P). Each user is the only person with access to their data and credentials.
-> Does Atala PRISM have individual data? No. All data is stored securely and encrypted on the citizen's smartphone or smart card. Each individual is the only person who can access it using their biometrics (ie, fingerprint or facial identification) or PIN code.
-> What happens if an individual loses their phone? With Atala PRISM, everyone can restore their accounts and personal data on any device using their seed phrase. People just need to be sure to keep their seed phrase safe. If they lose it, they will need to create a new account and reissue their credentials.
ROADMAP 6 months:
1 ~ 3 months;Â
- Social media marketing;
- GitBook with video integration;
- Main webpage;
4 ~ 6 months;
- Plutus Integration
- AtalaPRISM integration;
- Open for sign up, receive proposals and curatorship;
Success metrics:
We will track the success of our project by:
- Tracking the platform development front and back end
- Tracking the development of AtalaPRISM ID side
- Tracking the integration of our platform to AtalaPRISM ID
- Number of citizens signing up
- Number of proposals being created
- Number of curators
- Number of local students and lawyers on board;
- Number of voters
- Brazil had 147.9M voters on last election, our goal is to have 1% of registered citizens in 1 year (1,147.900M citizens on-board)
Budget breakdownOur 6 months budget covers:
=> Front & back end platform development:
- 6 months, 24 weeks, 20h per week, 480h x U$45: U$21.600K
=> AtalaPRISM side and integration:
- 6 months, 24 weeks, 20h per week, 480h x U$80: U$38.400K
=> Designer side:
- 6 months, 24 weeks, 20h per week, 480h x U$30: U$14.400K
=> Marketing & Community management:
- 6 months, 24 weeks, 20h per week, 480h x U$25: U$12K
=> Project Management:
- 6 months, 24 weeks, 20h per week, 480h x U$30: U$14.400K
=> Additional cost:
- Domain: U$28.85
- AtalaPRISM launch delay;
Total funds requested in USD 98.488,45
Blockchain revolution, educator, content creator, stake pool operator, community manager, high experience working with public.