Last updated 3 years ago
The difficulty of the art community to tokenize their work.
Building a supportive community for Latin American artists.
This is the total amount allocated to Latin American artists.
Building a supportive community for Latin American artists.
We are a team of 4 Latin American companies with experience in Web 3, marketing, and regulatory aspects.
We wish to build a community of artists to help them incorporate NFTs as tools to monetize their artwork.
We must create a supportive community to facilitate the adoption of new platforms and technologies.
We have a project for the Real Estate and Art sectors and we are looking forward to building a "Realtokers" community with LATAM artists to start tokenizing their work.
Our cultural values are:
- Democratization
- Financial and Social Inclusion
- Social Responsibility
- Sustainability
- Scalability
- Transparency
We firmly believe in the value of building communities that, motivated by the same purpose, achieve their goals and grow.
Success factors:
- Realtok llc + Realtok Dao in operation.
- Our team of professionals comes from the web 3, marketing, legal, real estate, and art sectors.
- We have a detailed business plan in execution from Q1 2021.
- We are backed by several communities, including "Dao EducaciĂłn y TEC".
Success KPI:
- In 4 months, the Comms team must:
 Publicize the project across Latam (El salvador, ecuador, peru, Bolivia, and Honduras).
 Travel to each country to meet the artists.
 Build business relationships to strengthen Cardano's adoption for your businesses.
The estimated budget per country to visit is 10,000 usd.
That includes flight tickets, stays, mobility and expenses for meetings.
The team that is traveling is of two people and we must visit 5 countries.
We are a team of 4 Latin American companies with experience in Web 3, marketing, and regulatory aspects.