Last updated 2 years ago
San Juan is one of the poorest areas of Argentina LATAM, with highest sun exposure, lack of water and energy lead to poor living conditions.
Create a Platform allowing investors participate in the project through GREEN token (represents X watts of energy) on Cardano Network
This is the total amount allocated to Platform for Cardano Solar Farms.
Create a Platform allowing investors participate in the project through GREEN token (represents X watts of energy) on Cardano Network
IT specialist, SPO, Telecommunications, Solar Energy, Infrastructure, Engineering and Network Management Systems.
Today the planet's population totals are more than 6 billion, we daily consume more resources than the planet actually has, in this context, research on clean and renewable energies is currently a global trend.
We know that San Juan (LATAM) has the longest sunshine hours and the best solar energy production, although there are already some Solar Farm in place, they are not available for small investors to participate via Blockchain. That is why we want to set up a first example model of a Cardano blockchain Solar Farm in LATAM, combining the solar energy of San Juan with green concept of Cardano spirit as a basis for the solution of the problem. It will not only allow us to follow the model, but also for others who want to set up a Green Energy Farm using Cardano blockchain.
The solution will be implemented so far in 3 different phases, but in this stage we are only focuses in Phase 1: from 0 – 12 weeks.
Phase 1:
Make a specific study and research of how to find a best business model and how to create a platform that allows investors around the world to invest in environmentally friendly green energy via token, avoiding the bureaucracy and lack of transparency that may occur in LATAM countries, with 100% transparency verifiable on Cardano blockchain, solving the business process problems. Each green token will represent "X" watts of energy generated from a Solar Farm.
0 – 6 Weeks: we will make a report analyzing the amount of new energy that could be generated from the already available land in San Juan (take 10 hectares as an example), estimated the operating costs and how to complete more hectares in stages, by visiting existing local solar plants, asking for advice and interviewing with experts in the field and Solar Farm managers, including its procedures, requirements of the establishment and its incentives. Finding the best way to store energy and how to inject it into the grid, its reference price, local legislation, etc. Based on this, we will make a report and define the stages of the business process, including solutions that need to be done.
In this first 6 weeks, we will dedicate about 240 hours, including the following content:
• Logistics from Buenos Aires to San Juan and back, about 2600 km roundtrip.
• Visiting different Solar farms.
• Organizing / attending meetings with government institutions.
• Find out If there are any government incentives.
• Finding solar panel and materials suppliers (local or importation)
• Asking for advice and interviewing with experts in the field and Solar Farm managers.
• Calculate the approximate budget for setting up a solar farm
• Make notes, graphic, take photos and videos for the final report
• Find out the points of connection to the electrical grid.
20 USD/hour X 8 hours X 6 weeks X 2 persons = 9600 USD
6 -12 Weeks: We will consult with different TOKEN development companies, blockchain engineers, blockchain advisors or consulting companies about the creation of a platform that allows investors around the world to invest in Green Token of the project, with 100% transparency verifiable on Cardano blockchain. And we will focus on the following points:
• Solar energy watts that should represents a TOKEN generated from a Solar Farm.
• The funding process.
• Time and costs required for platform and Token creation.
• Establish a guarantee mechanism for investors of the project.
• Investment in crypto or fiat currency.
• Risks and legal issues.
• Make a specific report with different analysis with feasible solutions reference to set up the first example model of Cardano blockchain Solar Farm in LATAM.
• Process for retribution to investors.
• Feasible solutions.
We assume to spend about 120 hours in 6 weeks
20 USD/hour X 4 hours X 6 weeks X 2 persons = 4800 USD
Long term plan:
Phase 2: time to be defined, once we know the business model, the estimate cost, the time we needed to build the platform, we can estimate the cost of implementation and It's time to start hiring developers to build the Platform of the Green Token in Cardano Blockchain. A user guide is created to explain how to follow this business model, and if needed, a platform-related documentation is updated for Developers.
Phase 3: time to be defined. Establishment of the first blockchain SOLAR FARM in San Juan (LATAM) by installing Solar panels and electricity generation system, starting with a target of 10 hectares with extension capacity until 10000 hectares. This phase will solve the lack of electricity and water for the local population by injecting energy into the interconnected electricity system, transforming San Juan into a place capable of generating life and investors are able to obtain retribution from Token and study the possibility of Implementation of the protocol that allows Token to be used by investors or companies as a basis for the adoption of green and environmentally friendly energy. Bring real world value to entrepreneurs who want to generate green energy in Cardano blockchain and allow small investors to participate in the project.
Jose Iadicicco: Stake pool operator (ADA ONE Pool), has more than 20 years of experience working with energy, network management systems, technology and telecommunication, also participated in and directed many large projects of telecommunication for companies like MOVISTAR, CLARO, NEXTEL and PERSONAL. He has a good understanding of solar energy system, technology and programming. He wants to combine his knowledge and ability from various fields to apply in this project.
Kehua Yang: Community manager (ADA ONE Pool), Master in Education with international commerce knowledge, has more than 5 years of experience working in coordinating large scale projects. She has worked for CRRC, the world's largest rolling stock manufacturer in terms of revenue as coordinator and translator for a technical support project for locomotives and trains companies.
They both have co organized Cardano Summit 2021 in Buenos Aires and recently completed a Solar Energy generation project in San Juan to give power to a Telecommunication system for remote areas to set up a network system for seismic detection.
What does success looks like?
• After 3 months: Build a Business Plan (Phase 1).
• After 6 months: Start building the Platform.
• After 12 months: To have finished the Platform and start onboarding investors for the first Cardano Solar Farm.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
IT specialist, SPO, Telecommunications, Solar Energy, Infrastructure, Engineering and Network Management Systems.