Last updated 3 years ago
Latin America students are not well-informed about the Cardano and Catalyst
Create a course about catalyst dedicated to Latin American students in business schools
This is the total amount allocated to Spanish courses for universities.
Create a course about catalyst dedicated to Latin American students in business schools
Business school studentsÂ
Latin American origins (Argentina and Mexico)
Spanish speakers
As international students, we are not getting exposed to any knowledge about blockchain and specifically Cardano. We believe that blockchain will be an important part of the future, and it is Cardano is the best blockchain to promote and engage with students, as the mission of Cardano goes, Cardano wants to make this world better for all.
We got to learn about Cardano/catalyst and find it amazing developing the communities and business support models of the future. We believe Catalyst is highly needed in LATAM countries where the social and business ecosystems need significant improvements and this proposal aim to facilitate that. Focusing on the young generation of business leadership could have a huge impact.
To develop a course about Cardano and Catalyst targeting business university students in LATAM and promote it to the students. The objective is to teach them about catalyst and encourage them to participate into the next fund.
Together with the course, we will conduct weekly meetups and manage a discord and telegram channels to provide info to onboard new members into catalyst and support their proposals.
Benji and Viktor are students in an international program at the Grenoble Ecole de management, one of the best French business schools. Benji is Argentinian and Victor is Mexican.
Joining the team, Paco who is a journalist with 20 years experience in Argentina which will help in promoting the initiative through PR and social networks.
We are all new to the Catalyst community but would like to get involved and make an impact, especially around young students.
There will be a few steps in order to achieve this goal.
Step 1 : Create a course in Spanish about Cardano and Catalyst (2-4 weeks)
Step 2 : Promotion and marketing to students (get the help of Latin American classmates, our network, teachers, PR/article) - we will first focus on few Universities and try to create a network effect (4-8 weeks)
Step 3 : Organize monthly online sessions to present the course (week8-3 months)
Step 4 : Organize weekly meetups in order to answer questions and support new proposals (week8-3 months)
The goal is that Latin American students will write proposals and get funded and growing the catalyst community in LATAM.
The initial focus is mostly in business schools because this is what we are studying, and we can build the program and information to be attractive to this target.
- Developing the course: $20x40hours =$800
- Marketing and advertising: $400 per month for 3 monthly events = $1200
- Weekly time dedicated (preparation of materials, weekly meetups, supporting proposals) 5 hours per week X 2 people = 10 hours per week X $20 = $200 per week for 12 weeks = $2400
Total budget for 3 months:$4400
KPI's & deliverables
A course in Spanish dedicated to business students
Reach at least 500 Latin American business students
25-50 proposals for fund 9 and active community members
At the end of the 3 months, we will present the results and strategy to build hubs in business universities in LATAM
Risks and Challenges:
2 of the 3 proposers are currently studying in Europe and not in LATAM - however we have good network through friends and family
Language could be a barrier for enhancement of learning and therefore might need much more support. We will aim to collaborate with other multilingual solutions available in catalyst
Business school studentsÂ
Latin American origins (Argentina and Mexico)
Spanish speakers