Last updated a year ago
Latin-America-specific information about voters is not well understood, more focus is needed to ensure global engagement of Catalyst voters.
Create an incentivized survey in Spanish and Portuguese to obtain information & allow this info to support future Catalyst improvements.
This is the total amount allocated to Spanish/Portuguese Voter Survey-AIM.
Create an incentivized survey in Spanish and Portuguese to obtain information & allow this info to support future Catalyst improvements.
AIM members are the team behind the Community Tool Kit.
The Current State
In Fund 6 there were 292,395 total votes cast by ~44,500 wallets. These impressive numbers represent a 17% increase in votes and a 35% increase in wallets compared to Fund 5.
However, studies of voting impact suggest that we need to explore improvements to the process to avoid a few members of the community exercising an excessive amount of control over the process.
AIM previously received funding to launch a survey of Fund6 voters to answer the following questions:
What do we know about voter behaviors? Why do some vote for all proposals while some vote only for a few? What else do we want to ask, what else can we know? What could we do with this information?
In order to fulfill the desired goals of distributed governance, we, as a community, will need to work to understand why voters choose to behave in a certain way. The best way to obtain this data is to ask them directly.
The Fund6 incentivized survey was launched in English and received about 300 respondents. AIM is in the process of analyzing the results and will publish the data and the conclusions shortly.
Our Proposal: Latin America Incentivized Voter Survey
The purpose of this proposal is to update and translate the Fund6 Incentivized Voter Survey into Spanish and Portuguese in order to survey up to 300 respondents in Latin America. Ideally this would be an ongoing and evolving undertaking.
The Latin American community is a large and growing segment of the ecosystem and the region's involvement is critical for Cardano's continued success. We aim to gather insights and gain a better understanding of how the Latin American Cardano Community sees, understands and interacts with Catalyst. This information will help the global Catalyst community to improve over time and increase the impact and Return on Intention of the whole process.
Roadmap and Milestones
Since the results of this survey will benefit the whole Catalyst process, we aim at delivering the results as fast as possible after the publication of Fund7 results. The following roadmap outlines our plan:
UpdateFund6 survey for Fund7 and translate into Spanish and Portuguese - January 2022
Promotion of survey - January 2022
Analyze results - February 2022
Produce and share survey results - February 2022
Example Information of Interest
Fund6 Cardano Catalyst Incentivized Voter Survey can be found here:
Some examples of the kind of information we want to get from this survey include:
What attracted voters to a certain proposal that they voted up or down?
How much research is done on the proposals before they cast their votes?
What is a 'no go' in a proposal?
How much weight do they give to Community Advisor scores?
How much do they know about how Catalyst works?
What did they like and what didn't they like about the voting process - how could it be improved?
Do they vote based on someone else's advice?
What other language do they speak or consider important to serve in the ecosystem?
Cardano AIM (Assembly of Inspired Masses) is an active group of community and tool builders. This project is being headed by made up of, Victor, Phil,, Allison along with a number of supporters. We are all active Catalyst Community members and currently design and build tools that support the community. These include the popular voter-tool (, the Community Advisor Tools (CA and vCA-tools) ( & as well as the community landing page (
Victor is an active Catalyst Member, Community Advisor and Proposal Mentor, member of the 1st Catalyst Circle, leader of the Catalyst School, core member of the Catalyst Swarm, and has a strong professional and academic background in Engineering, Mathematics, Data Science and Machine Learning. Victor is fluent in Portuguese.
Phil has experience as an accountant, UI/UX frontend and graphic design and business advisor amongst numerous other pursuits. He currently has a lead position in the development and direction of Cardano AIM and is co-creator of the Community Tools.
Allison has 20+ years of business, accounting, and financial experience including 10 years as a Corporate Banker. She has been involved with Catalyst since Fund0, is a member of the Catalyst Circle v2, is serving on several Catalyst Challenge Teams, and is an active member and Working Group Co-Chair of Switzerland's Crypto Valley Association.
Ana Sanchez Wagner is new to the community and has been actively engaged with working on AIM projects. She is fluent in English, Spanish, and German, and will translate the survey into Spanish and lead the promotion and engagement with the Spanish-speaking community.
At the end of the voting process a survey will be distributed. We are targeting 100-300 Spanish-speaking participants and 100-300 Portuguese-speaking participants. In future iterations of the survey, we can calculate and target the statistically ideal number of voters. For now, we are looking to test if the idea is feasible and if the Latin-American community/voters will support it.
With this survey, we are testing a lottery mechanism to motivate and incentivize respondents. Fifty randomly-selected participants will receive a portion of the $3000 allocated for incentives, or $60 each. One respondent will receive $500. All incentives will be paid in ADA (calculated based on the time of receipt from the treasury). To ensure the highest quality and value to the community we will look to remove participants from the lottery pool at our discretion if we deem their answers to be nonconstructive.
Success Indicators
1. The survey is undertaken
2. The results are made public
3. Statistical analysis is undertaken
4. Statistical analysis is made public
Updating of Fund6 survey for Fund7 - $500
Translation of Survey into Spanish and results back to English - $1500
Translation of Survey into Portuguese and results back to English - $1500
Promotion: $500 - Paid advertising, interviews on Cardano podcasts, time spent engaging in forums, etc.
Statistical analysis: $1000
Results analysis: $500
Graphic Design: $1000 - Presentation of results/marketing material
Administration: $500 - setting up the survey, tracking and distributing results paying participants
Participant rewards: $3500 - Paid to Voters who participate
Total: $10500.
Requested funds in USD 10500
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
AIM members are the team behind the Community Tool Kit.