Last updated 3 years ago
Brazilian public schools don't have STEM education programs and students don't have support to actively engage in STEM projects.
We want to create a STEM Territory where teachers students will have access to STEM courses and opportunities to transform the school
This is the total amount allocated to STEM TERRITORY – Online Courses.
We want to create a STEM Territory where teachers students will have access to STEM courses and opportunities to transform the school
Team of Brazilian teachers (High school and University) experts in STEM education, PhDs in Education and School administrators.
Why courses, why STEM education?
In the Brazilian High School reform, education roadmaps are presented with which schools should operate from 2021 on (BRASIL, 2021). Among them, STEM education is one of the demands placed on the curriculum. In addition, the National Fund for the Development of Education (FNDE) has required textbooks from STEM projects through the call for proposals of the National Book Program in 2021 (textbooks are centrally distributed by the Ministry of Education in Brazil).
STEM education is an educational movement present in several countries in the northern hemisphere (Martin Paez, 2019; Blackley, 2015) and that, in recent years, has become popular in Latin America as well. Although the STEM education movement encourages interdisciplinarity and integration across subject areas, is guided by hands-on activities that involve digital technologies, Brazilian teachers do not have access to training courses to develop STEM projects with students. In other words, even though the Brazilian curriculum brings innovative proposals such as STEM project-based learning, teachers have not been trained to carry out this transformation in the classroom (Silveira, 2017).
The demand for courses on how to implement STEM projects in the classroom is huge in Brazil, especially free courses that know how to dialogue with the needs of Brazilian schools. In addition, courses are needed that know how to dialogue with more human education, connected to new times, and that value Brazilian teachers, without conflicting with the high workload they have (Arroyo, 2014).
Our target audience and the region we will focus on
Given the continental dimensions of Brazil, we will offer the courses to teachers from the State of Minas Gerais, the 2nd most populous state in the country. In addition, we have access to the State Education Secretariat and local Universities, because we are a team of coordinators and teachers from the State.
The State of Minas Gerais in numbers:
(Data from school census, 2020. Available at:
With so many students and teachers, the challenges are many. One example is the implementation of the new curriculum (New High School) in 2022. The new curriculum brings new perspectives to teaching, requiring each teacher of the four major areas of knowledge (Humanities, Natural Sciences, Languages, and Mathematics) to talk to each of them. In addition, it is necessary to develop joint projects, work on new learning methodologies, in the search for greater interdisciplinarity among the various curricular components. There is, therefore, a great need to update the pedagogical practices of the teachers in the Minas Gerais state network. Given the dimension of this network, projects that connect to these needs are necessary in the search for more human education, connected to the new times.
Thus, our courses will be geared to help teachers develop a teaching proposal that is aligned with the STEM Education movement. They will be designed to impact both the professional development of teachers and the challenges of the curriculum reforms being implemented. In addition, the courses will aim to:
Further benefits from our solutions
- The courses will be designed by STEM experts in partnership with local universities. Therefore, they will strengthen the links between research and practice.
- Strengthening of a network of actors able to promote STEM education in the schools of Minas Gerais.
- Once the online courses are created and funded, they can continue to be offered even after the initial funding of the Catalyst project.
7 courses will be offered in the LMS platform of the Secretary of Education of Minas Gerais. There will be no extra costs for using the platform.
These are the courses:
In months
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Price of each course (Authors and course editors remuneration): $865.15
x 7 Courses in total. Subtotal: $6,053.18
Human resources:
Instructional Designer: $144.05 for each course in the LMS platform. Subtotal: $1,008.34
Course coordination and assessment: 60h/month during 10 months (from elaboration to conclusion) $180.01/month. Subtotal: $2,702.26
Program coordinator: 40h/month. $180.01/month during 11 months. Subtotal: $1,981.66
Communication kits:
Total budget required: $16,000.00 USD ($6,054.60 + $3,784.12 + $2,702.95 + $1,982.16 + $467.07)
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Guia de Implementação do Novo Ensino Médio. Brasília: Ministério da Educação e Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Educação, 2021.
Disponível em:!/guia. Acesso em: 05 abr. 2021.
BRASIL. Ministério da Educação. Relatório Brasil no PISA 2018: versão preliminar. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, 2019.
SILVEIRA; Elizeth Rezende Martins da; PREVITALI, Fabiane Santana. Trabalho docente e políticas educacionais: um estudo sobre o controle do trabalho docente na rede estadual de ensino de minas gerais em uberlândia - a partir de 2003. INOVA: Ciência e Tecnologia. v. 3, n.2, jul./dez., 2017. Disponivel em: Acesso em: 01.dez.2021.
ARROYO, M. G. Currículo, território em disputa. Editora Vozes, 2014.
BLACKLEY, S.; HOWELL, J. A Stem Narrative: 15 Years in the Making. In: Australian Journal of Teacher Education, v. 40, n. 7, 2015.
MARTÍN-PÁEZ, T, AGUILERA, D, PERALES-PALACIOS, FJ, VÍLCHEZ-GONZÁLEZ, JM. What are we talking about when we talk about STEM education? A review of literature. Science Education, 103: 799– 822, 2019.
Team of Brazilian teachers (High school and University) experts in STEM education, PhDs in Education and School administrators.