Last updated 3 years ago
People in Latin America (developers also) have a wrong understanding about blockchain tech. Too many scammers selling snake oil speculative.
Discard completely the blockchain sales pitch to bring people closer to the tech. The solution is not to convince, it is to teach.
This is the total amount allocated to Technical school for Latin America.
Discard completely the blockchain sales pitch to bring people closer to the tech. The solution is not to convince, it is to teach.
Social Entrepeneur in Colombia (my country) for the last 20 years. Teacher. Developer. Atala Prism Pionner student. CA.
Goal: Build a learning platform for Latin America as an instrument of creation and publication of material purely technical and actionable. Actionable for people with programming knowledge and introductory for people without programming background. This platform will be only a medium, less as major player in the learning platform industry and more like a bridge between Cardano technology and the most important problems in the Region.
How I address the Challenge question?:
Teach people to do things. Don't replace the people's satisfaction of acquire and hone their own new skills for promises about "make you rich quickly". Do the people part of something beauty, part of the journey in search of the exploration of the max potential of the human colaboration, and not part of a greedy Ponzi scheme dream devourer of worlds.   Unfortunately, crooks and scammers selling pipe illusions are the rule in Latin America and that difficults the correct understanding of the blockchain technology as a tool that can be part of the solution of many of the problems in the Region. Â
So, the question is: in this Region, from my perspective, we have to start from the beginning, teaching to the people how to use the technology. Teach to the developers how to include Plutus, Atala Prism and the Cardano technologies in general in their toolkit. Teach to the people how the Cardano technologies can bring solutions to the most significant problems in the Region. How the poverty, the healthcare assistance, the food distribution, the education inclusion for our kids and youngs, can be aspects prone to enhancement with the appropiate technology.Â
Because the question here is the tecnology for a better human race and not the price speculative of Cardano itself.
First milestone: training phase in Plutus for the platform developer (me). For a low fee, the European Business University has offered me an scholarship for the course Plutus/Haskell 1. The course begins in January 17th 2022 and ends in May 8th 2022.Â
Second milestone: building the platform and creation of the educational material. The concept will be simple, priorizing the access over the overdesigning.
6 months: satisfactory end of the Plutus/Haskell 1 course by the platform developer
9 month (3 months after the end of the course): end of the platform building (up and running) and creation and publication of the first set of educational material
Scholarship (Full Time): ($500/month x 5 months) = $2500
Building of the platform (up and running) and the creation of the first educational material: $5000
How my proposal impacts the challenge metrics?:
The learning platform will be a bridge between the people in the Region and the Cardano technologies, so that will bring definitively a new number of users to the Cardano ecosystem. Â The Latin American creativity will do stong presence in the ecosystem and in response the Cardano ecosystem will provide the knowledge and the support necessary for create the solution that will impact millions of lives in the Region. Â Millions of lives fighting againts high unemployment, low standars of health and education, corrupt governments, earnings inequality, etc.Â
Definition of success after 3, 6 and 12 months:
6 months: satisfactory end of the Plutus/Haskell 1 course by the platform developer
12 months: a learning platform up and running, with technical material that encourages the birth of new developers and new participants in the Cardano ecosystem. It's not about the invention of the fire, it's about passing the fire from one hand to the other.
Expected public launch date of the platform: August 01, 2022
Information about the proposer:
Name of proposer: Sebastian Pabon
Social Entrepeneur in Colombia (my country) for the last 20 years. Teacher. Developer. Atala Prism Pionner student. CA.