Last updated 2 years ago
In LATAM, there's a language barrier for local communities to get educated about Catalyst since English is not commonly spoken in the region
The Catalyst School | LATAM will be a place to onboard local communities and enhance the impact of Catalyst in Latin America.
This is the total amount allocated to The Catalyst School | LATAM.
The Catalyst School | LATAM will be a place to onboard local communities and enhance the impact of Catalyst in Latin America.
Veteran advisors and proposal mentors, education professionals, very active Catalyst community members since early Funds and more.
Proposta em Português:
The Catalyst School: what is it all about?
The Catalyst School, already established, is a place created to enhance the impact of Catalyst as a whole by improving the contribution of all its different players and roles. The Catalyst School | LATAM will provide similar services as The Catalyst School, but in the Portuguese and Spanish languages.
We aim to onboard new members and help improve their skills along the way, in any way they decide to engage with Catalyst: as a Proposer, a Community Advisor, a Veteran Community Advisor, or without any specific role within the process. In order for Catalyst to flourish and reach its full potential, all these roles need to give their best contribution within the process.
With the encouragement and support of Catalyst Swarm and Eastern Town Hall, this proposal is also a CALL for purpose driven people in LATAM to join the MOVEMENT and is part of a 4 pillars CLUSTER driven by the LATAM Catalyst Community, that includes:
LATAM Town Hall:
LATAM Cardano Ambassadors:
The main topics we are willing to cover by the Catalyst School | LATAM are:
- Introduction to Catalyst
- Proposing in Catalyst
- How to be a Community Advisor
- How to be a Veteran Community Advisor
- Why do we need the Catalyst School | LATAM?
Catalyst is not a traditional funding platform, it has its own protocol and functioning method. Therefore, anyone who wants to join this experiment needs to learn about it first.
The general perception is that Latin American communities are not fully aware of Cardano and Catalyst, and there is also the language barrier once English is not commonly spoken in the region.
Our proposal aims to bring together the Latin American communities which have an interest in the process of learning about Catalyst, be they, newcomers or veterans, so they can exchange knowledge and help each other in their own languages.
Our basic Website
The Catalyst School LATAM will include a basic website (in Portuguese and English) consisting of two main parts:
- Gitbook
All the content and the resources used for the Catalyst School will be published in a public Git repository with an Open Source license and presented to the users through Gitbook (, a platform for publishing documentation.
- Landing page
The landing page will include:
- A subscription form to collect students and engage them with periodical emails and resources
- A visual index to help users navigate through all the resources published in the GitBook
- A basic quiz about the "Introduction to Catalyst"
- The Plan: Roadmap and Milestones
This proposal aims to provide the School session and workshops (in Spanish and Portuguese). When funded, we will provide all these services for the next 2 Funds (Funds 8 and 9).
School Sessions and workshops are planned to be weekly. Also, the sessions are going to be synchronized with each phase of Project Catalyst, so we increase the value delivered by them.
Our goal is to provide 12 sessions in each Fund, following the Project Catalyst schedule. Therefore, our roadmap (per Fund) is:
- Week 1 - Insight Sharing Phase:
2 x Introduction to Catalyst (In Portuguese and Spanish)
- Week 2 - Proposal Submission Phase:
2 x Proposing in Catalyst (In Portuguese and Spanish)
- Week 3 - Proposal Refinement Phase:
2 x Proposing in Catalyst (In Portuguese and Spanish)
- Week 4 - Proposal Finalize Phase:
2 x How to be a Community Advisor (In Portuguese and Spanish)
- Week 5 - Proposal Assessment Phase:
2 x How to be a Veteran Community Advisor (In Portuguese and Spanish)
- Week 6 - Assessments Review Phase:
2 x How to be a Veteran Community Advisor (In Portuguese and Spanish)
-> This road map and sessions/workshops schedule can be adapted and changed based on community feedback and needs.
Therefore, our milestones and success definition are:
-> 3 months after funded (end of Fund 8):
- Learning content created for the School sessions and workshops.
- Host 12 School sessions or workshops
-> 6 months after funded (end of Fund 8):
- Host 12 School sessions or workshops
Success metrics
We will track the success of this project by measuring the:
- Total number of community members who get involved with the Catalyst School.
- The number of proposers joining the sessions and workshops.
- Number of CAs joining the sessions and workshops.
- The number of vCAs joining the sessions and workshops.
- The number of 1-to-1 supports provided to community members.
- Number of new referees
- Number of new voters
Budget breakdown
Our 6 month budget covers:
-> Sessions and workshops
12 events per Fund, 2 Fund: a total of 24 events
2 hours per event
Host: $60/hour (main presenter)
Co-host: $30/hour (moderating the room, answering the chat, keeping track of statistics)
- Total: $4320
-> Learning content creation and translation
Sessions and workshops presentation slides
Learning content to be distributed via our platforms in Portuguese and Spanish
Updating the content according to changes in Catalyst
- Total: $2500
-> Marketing
Reaching out to potential students via different channels
Managing the community platforms
- Total: $2500
-> Basic Website (in Portuguese and Spanish)
Creating a basic website to serve as a landing page and to host the main information about the Catalyst School
- Total: $750
-> Project Management
Scheduling events based on Community interest
Coordinating hosts, co-hosts (scheduling, backup plan)
Coordinating with Community events (Swarm Session, After Town Halls)
Coordinating with partners (creating bridges, realizing synergies)
Controlling the project costs
Managing YouTube channel
Project documentation and housekeeping
-> Total: $5000
Proposta em Português:
Requested funds in USD 15.070
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Veteran advisors and proposal mentors, education professionals, very active Catalyst community members since early Funds and more.