Last updated 2 years ago
Without oversight we risk stagnation and we lack accountability in our governance.
Survey, report & facilitate retrospectives to improve our governance processes.
This is the total amount allocated to Community Governance Oversight.
Survey, report & facilitate retrospectives to improve our governance processes.
We are Catalyst veterans from across the community: SPOCRA, funded proposers, professional auditors with support from IOG staff.
As Project Catalyst evolves through rapidly scaling funds, improvements to and innovations in Catalyst Governance processes need oversight and assessment from the community.
Community Governance Oversight Proposal Intent
This proposal's intent is to provide community oversight of improvements to and innovations in Catalyst Governance (incl. the Catalyst Parameters Pilot below) by collecting feedback and providing tracking, documentation and analysis of any proposed changes.
A complementary proposal "Catalyst Audit Circle" ( ) will provide oversight on funded proposals and fund ongoing liaison with the Catalyst Auditing working group.
In Fund 8, four governance processes will be live. Three of them are addressed by this proposal, viz:
1. Challenge Setting.
2. Catalyst Circle problem sensing.
3. Modifying the governance parameters in Catalyst via Catalyst Circle and a Technical Counsel. (see below for more details)
The intention of this proposal is to provide oversight on these three processes by the Community Governance Oversight Group.
The fourth governance process, Funded proposals, will have oversight by the complementary proposal Catalyst Audit Circle ( )
The Community Governance Oversight Process
1) Effective communication via surveys & workshops
The Community Governance Oversight Group (hereafter, "the Oversight group") will create internal & external surveys that will provide analysis of the quality of decision-making of each governance process outlined above. These will be included in the final report for each governance process.
Internal surveys
Internal surveys will be directed at self assessment / lessons learnt by those who organize each governance process (the governance processes are Challenge Teams, Catalyst Circle & the Technical Council.)
External surveys
External surveys will be directed at the Catalyst community and their reception of each governance process ( e.g. The governance processes are Challenge Setting, Catalyst Circle Problem Sensing & governance parameters setting.)
Members of the Oversight group will facilitate workshops After Town Hall to complement feedback monitoring and survey design.
2) Facilitation of internal retrospectives
The Oversight group will facilitate internal retrospectives that will address issues highlighted by the surveys and workshops, and identify improvement recommendations.
3) Final Reports.
The Oversight group will document and track the activities of any improvements to and innovations in Catalyst Governance making these easily accessible to the community.
Final reports checking whether actions to resolve or improve have been executed and recommending further improvements.
Catalyst Parameters Pilot
IOG have announced a Catalyst Parameters Pilot with the goal to decentralise the current governance process in respect of parameter changes to Project Catalyst.
See Harris Warren's presentation on Catalyst Parameters governance process at Catalyst Circle V2 Meeting #2 -
The strategy is to iterate a parameter change process between Catalyst Circle, a Catalyst Technical Council and the wider community.
Success criteria
An overview of success criteria was presented by Dor Gorbash on 8th December 2021 at Fund 7 Town Hall #5
The Voltaire Principles & Catalyst Parameters - Pilot Slides -
Catalyst Technical Council
The Catalyst Technical Council will comprise of :
Dor Gorbash, Kevin Hammond and Professor Roman Oliynykov
These experts will initially be appointed by IOG with the intention that, in time, they will be elected and establish a bicameral governance system with Catalyst Circle.
In time this will entail an expanded role for Catalyst Circle Administrators ( see ) and also necessitates a requirement for community oversight as outlined in this proposal.
Community Governance Oversight Objectives
The Oversight group will seek to ensure that :
7. Formal security and emergency mechanisms are developed and implemented.
8. Governance culture is legitimate, stable and lively.
The Team
The Catalyst Audit Community (up to 8 paid members) including :
Eric Helms - SCATDAO - Founder of Smart Contract Audit Token. Fund 5 Winner for Scaling up Cardano DeFi. Fund 6 Winner for Improve and Grow Auditability. CPA with over 10 years of audit experience in Big 4 as well as Fortune 500 Companies.
George Lovegrove - PACE, Funded proposer in F6: Improve and Grow Auditability.
Jo Allum, Auditability Challenge Team Lead, Funded proposer in F6: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs (Cardano Canvas, Cards & Calculator).
Matthias Sieber (@matthiasksieber) - CEO Loxe Inc., Circle V2 representative for Cardano Foundation. Funded proposer in F6: Atala PRISM DID Mass-Scale Adoption, F6: DApps & Integrations, F6: Scale-UP Cardano's Community Hubs, F6: Developer ecosystem
Ron Hill - founding board member and CEO of SPOCRA (Stake Pool Operators Trade Guild). CQE, CSSGB, Industrial & Systems Engineer, Continuous Improvement Professional and Serious Change Agent.
Phil Khoo - experience as an accountant, UI/UX frontend and graphic design and business advisor amongst numerous other pursuits. He currently has a lead position in the development and direction of Cardano AIM and is co-creator of the Community Tools.
Stephen Whitenstall (@swhitenstall) - Quality-Assurance DAO, Circle V2 representative for funded proposers. Funded proposer in F6: Improve and Grow Auditability.
Present - December 2021 to January 2021
After Funding - February 2022 to April 2022
Metrics / KPIs
Develop and implement an oversight process for Catalyst governance changes.
Prepare a Fund 8 proposal to resource the ongoing activities of the Oversight group in proportion to the scope of Catalyst governance changes in Spring 2022.
How this proposal will impact the challenge metrics
Number of funded proposals audited
This proposal will impact the auditing of all Catalyst proposals as it will implement oversight of Catalyst governance changes that affect how proposals are submitted, assessed and voted on.
Number of reports, articles and videos/podcasts
This proposal will develop and implement an oversight process for Catalyst governance changes.
Budget breakdown:
A) Meetings :
Remuneration for members of the Oversight group : $1000 per person (up to 8 members) for a total of 12 hours' work per person : comprises meetings (1 hour twice a month - approx 6 meetings over 3 months) and preparation (communications, working sessions, etc. : 1 hour twice a month).
Subtotal : $8000
B) Fixed Costs :
Internal/external communication and organisation tools: ($1000)
Subtotal : $1000
C) Deliverables / Outputs :
1 Surveys
6 surveys (3 internal & 3 external) over 3 months -
$ 4800 for 6 surveys or $800 per survey
This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to creating, disseminating and analyzing a survey, presenting it at After Town Hall and facilitating discussion.
2 Facilitation of internal retrospectives
Facilitation of 3 internal retrospectives over 3 months -
$ 2400 for 3 retrospectives or $ 800 per retrospective.
This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to the retrospective including interpretation, synthesis and identifying improvement recommendations.
3 Production of reports
Production of 3 final reports one on each area of governance (e.g. Challenge Setting, Catalyst Circle Problem Sensing & governance parameters setting.) at the end of 3 months -
$ 2400 for 3 reports or $ 800 per report.
This will be divided between members according to the amount of work they contribute to the report writing including checking whether actions to resolve or improve have been executed and recommending further improvements.
4 Preparation for a Fund 8 proposal
Preparation to support the submission of a Fund 8 proposal to resource its ongoing activities in proportion to the scope of Catalyst governance changes in Spring 2022.
$ 500
Subtotal : 10,900
Requested funds in USD $ 19,100
Risk Analysis
Sustainability - the proposal will have insufficient resources to address the scope of Catalyst governance changes.
The Oversight group recognises that this is a pilot project and one of its KPIs is to prepare a Fund 8 proposal to resource its ongoing activities in proportion to the scope of Catalyst governance changes.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We are Catalyst veterans from across the community: SPOCRA, funded proposers, professional auditors with support from IOG staff.